My Life Here – My Life There

By Helen Grubner. Filed in Uncategorized  |  
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Yours Truly - Agios Mammas, Spetses

Yours Truly – Agios Mammas, Spetses

For the past 5 years, as all my regular followers will know, I have split my time between New Zealand and Greece.  In the country of my birth, I have my family and my work … in Greece I have my extended adopted Cretan family in Kastelli and most importantly, Costas on Spetses.  Each year means two stints of 4 months down under and two stints of 2 months here in the country where I left my heart more than 40 years’ ago.

So, although many may think my life to be an enviable one, believe me, it is not easy.  During my current absence from New Zealand, my son Dave has been quite unwell, I wish I could have been there for him.  Sadly, for now, my time here is once again coming to an end but on the brighter side, I will soon be back with my family until sometime in October – all things being equal.

Time passes so quickly … most nights I go into the Bar late, around 0100 hours, staying until closing when Costas and I come home together where the four cats are usually waiting for us, if not on the road home, then snuggled up somewhere in the house.  Today we decided to change all their flea collars … we were not well liked for this and afterwards, the three boys sat out in the garden in the rain, they wanted nothing more to do with we nasty people!  But, they were soon over it.

Everywhere on the island is still somewhat quiet … when Bar Spetsa closes we are hard pressed to find another establishment open where we might call in for a quiet drink on our way home.  Balkoni is a favourite watering hole of ours, the location and atmosphere very much to our liking.  One night there I was so intrigued by a Russian visitor who ordered flaming B52 cocktails which he consumed rapidly through a straw whilst the drinks were still flaming.

Every fine, sunny day, I can be found at Agios Mammas beach, making the most of the opportunity to sunbathe and take a dip in the sea.  Today, unfortunately, was not one of those days … we have had intermittent rain and thunderclaps have been heard faraway over the mountains.  One night last week, in similar weather conditions, a dog went into the Bar to seek shelter.  After Costas came home, he suddenly realised that he had locked the dog inside and had to return to release him.  The upside was, Costas then passed by the bakery and bought home delicious pastries which we devoured at 0500 hours … not so good for the waistline.

On Saturday 14 June, I will begin my long journey back to New Zealand.  As there is a hydrofoil scheduled for 1020 hours that day, I will not leave the island the day before to travel to Athens.  All things being equal, it should allow me enough time to catch my flight out of Athens at 1610 hours … worst case scenario, I will take a taxi from Piraeus to the Airport.  I will check in online allowing me a later arrival time at the airport and now that I hold Silver status with Emirates, I have priority check in and boarding, extra baggage allowance and use of the Business Class lounge in Dubai … what would be nice is an upgrade!  In any case, I have my complimentary hotel in Dubai for the 12 hour stopover before the long haul to Brisbane, on to Auckland and the final leg to Wanganui … ETA 1625 hours on Monday 16 June.  Dave will pick me up from the airport … it will be lovely to see him.

I should manage one more Blog before I leave Spetses – our little island Paradise!



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