Days Run Into Nights and Back Into Days

By Helen Grubner. Filed in Uncategorized  |  
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Ray's Forty Fourteenth Birthday

Ray’s Forty Fourteenth Birthday

An email received today from a friend reminded me of how long it has been since my last Blog … shame!  Each time I come back to Spetses, my other home, I seem to fit into my life here easier than on previous visits.  This time, I have given little thought to writing or taking photographs, in much the same way as these pastimes have little relevance when I am in New Zealand.  With Costas every night in the Bar and myself there too as often as possible, late nights mean some days do not begin until late morning and before we know it, another evening begins.

Friday night in the Bar I kept company with Christina and Nikola and some of their friends from Athens who were all here on the island for the weekend.  Other nights I have gone in early to see Paddy and Wendy, however, today they left to return to Ireland … no doubt I will see them again in May next year, just as I have done every year since we first met in May 2010.  They were here for 15 days this trip and every day they walked up and over to a beach on the other side of the island … that is how they like to spend their days on Spetses.  The British seem to have a real affinity with this island … Norma and Joe from south London are here at the moment on their third visit although I have only just met them for the first time.

Last Saturday was our friend Ray’s Forty Fourteenth birthday (54th for the uninitiated) and together with around two dozen friends, we were invited to his party at their home.  It was a cracker of a day, the sun was shining brightly and we all enjoyed the wonderful food Ray and Heather had prepared for us, sitting out in their garden.  Celebratory drinks too, of course, and the usual mix of shots which are always fun and full of surprises.

Sundays are generally a little more relaxed for us than every other day in the week as with the shops mainly closed, Costas’ daily chores associated with the Bar are less and we can usually spend the day in a more leisurely fashion.  Last Sunday, after coffee at Roussos in the Dapia, we walked down to Bouboulina restaurant for our first meal this trip of Babounakia (small red mullet) which we both so enjoy.

My suntan is coming along nicely and I am now enjoying the sea … together with only a handful of other brave souls as the water is still somewhat chilly following a lot of rain during the Winter.  At home I do my chores, I read my book – I am about half way through the 700 odd pages of Elizabeth Kostova’s novel “The Historian” which I am enjoying and I have completed Online my compulsory Verified Training for 2014 … Non-Verified still to be done.

Tomorrow, 21 May, is the Name Day of Costas and Helen and I believe we are going out for lunch at Spetsiotiko.  Good weather is expected so I will walk from there to the beach, then home for a siesta before going out in the evening, first to meet the girls at “Point of View” as I always do on a Wednesday night, then on to Bar Spetsa.  I have no doubt it will be a very late one, therefore, tonight I am in to stay.


One Comment

  1. Comment by Phyl Bromley:

    Hi Helen lovely to hear from you. I thought gee Helen must be enjoying herself as I haven’t seen any blogs lately haha but I know you always enjoy yourself over there. Good for you to have a break from laptops etc

    It’s great you have a suntan I can’t say the same here! Certainly cooler these days. Winter is looming.

    Happy Birthday to Costas hope he has an awesome day.

    Nothing much to report from here Helen.

    Take care

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