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By Helen Grubner. Filed in Uncategorized  |  
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Family Home in Kastelli

Family Home in Kastelli

As always, the time that I spent with my family in Kastelli was wonderful … there, I am made to feel that I am just one of them!  Of course, being Easter, we had many family and friends coming to the house, which always means food … table after table.  I believe I probably put on something like 2 kilo during the week that I stayed.  Lots of dishes to wash too and I always try to beat others to the kitchen sink as it is one thing I am able to do to help them.  This prompted Vassiles one night to ask me “Have you been to America?” – referring to all the Greeks over the years who have moved to that country and found employment in kitchens.

Sunday came and sadly, it was once again time to leave.  Caught the bus to Hania with Chrissoula, Costas’ sister who had been visiting.  My friend Antonia met me at the station, she and Vassiles went out and I decided on an early night.  When they arrived home later, Antonia woke me to tell me that Vassiles had crashed her car … I would need to walk to the bus station in the morning.  It was already 23 degrees C when I arrived there to catch the 0830 hours bus to the airport, a late departure from Hania, however, an uneventful flight to Athens.  Hopped on the 12 noon bus bound for the Port of Piraeus … along the way we stopped, the driver got off the bus, walked up and down, hopped back on and had a few words to say to those sitting near the front.  A little further on and he stopped once again … this time we had to all get off and board another bus on a standard run, going in much the same direction.  When finally I arrived in Piraeus, I realized that I was not in quite the usual spot … a little disoriented but with very little time to spare, made it on to the 1415 hours hydrofoil to Spetses – minutes later the rain came.

Soon after 1700 hours we arrived at Spetses where Costas was waiting to meet me.  After unpacking and settling myself into my other home, I decided to go to the Bar around midnight.  At 0100 hours, Costas did the unthinkable and closed the Bar early to come home to sleep … he had not been very well, however, is okay now.  The following night we left the house early to go check out Villa Marina where a friend of mine from Wanganui will stay when she visits here with family and friends in late October/early November.  I then spent an enjoyable evening in the Bar but it was not a late night.  Wednesday evening I joined the girls at “Point of View”, a new establishment at Agios Mammas, from where we moved on to Bar Spetsa … a great night, lots of laughs, it was going on 0600 hours before we headed for home.  Understandably, last night I stayed in for a quiet one.

The past four days, the weather has been glorious … Springtime in Greece is a lovely time to be here.  I have been catching up on chores at the house and have yet to begin my daily visits to the beach, however, weather permitting, tomorrow I will go to Agios Mammas.  Costas is pleased that I am here … me too, it feels so right.  The four cats seem happy to see me too, they are great company.  At present, the island is not without tourists but they are few.  Everywhere is green following the winter rains and the wild flowers are heavenly.  I must get back into my walks once again.  There are many things to do here on this island Paradise.




One Comment

  1. Comment by Phyl Bromley:

    Hi Helen
    It’s sad for you to leave your family home in Kastelli but I am sure they know you will return! Sounds like you had another wonderful time with them.

    Hope Vassiles wasn’t injured in her car!

    It’s lovely that you are now on Spetes with your Costas. Sorry to hear he was unwell hope he is all good now.

    Beautiful weather here yesterday don’t know what today is like yet as I haven’t ventured out of bed to find out. Can’t hear wind or rain so could be an alright day. So changeable though. Sometimes it seems to change by the hour.

    Thanks for your email lovely to hear from you as always.

    Take care

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