Our Walks on Spetses

By Helen Grubner. Filed in Uncategorized  |  
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Me with one of our new found friends

Me with one of our new found friends

This past week, we have enjoyed long walks in the hills, on perfect, sunny days.  However, these days have also been interspersed with days of grey skies and rain.  On Monday when we walked, two small, charming dogs decided to come along with us.  I was concerned they would not find their way back home, however, when we decided not to continue on to Panaghia Elona for fear darkness would set in before we got back, the dogs also turned around, not leaving us until they were near to where they had joined us.  I am sure they appreciated our company as much as we did theirs.

Wednesday afternoon saw us again heading up into the hills, all the way to the ridge and returning via Gorgoepikou Monastery.  That night Costas went to Delfinia for his weekly dose of Pool … when Marilyn telephoned to say she would be going down, I decided to go too.  A pleasant evening, as always.

Friday we agreed to make a large pot of fish soup, enough for our meal that day, as well as a container or two for the freezer.  In the past, we have always made this soup with frozen cod, but this time Costas decided to go to the fish market to buy the small, oily fish suited to our needs.  He brought the fish home in a plastic carry bag … tipped them into a plastic bowl in the kitchen sink, turning on the hot tap.  What followed totally freaked us both out!  The poor fish began flapping about … they were still very much alive – how fresh is that!  Costas response “What am I supposed to do now?”  It was too late, we had already inadvertently tortured them and neither of us felt very good about that.

Yesterday we were both back in the kitchen, this time to make Briam (baked vegetables) for today.  Under my tutorial, Costas declared the dish the best Briam ever … a happier achievement therefore than the previous day’s effort.

Last evening we braved wet and windy conditions to go out for a meal at Merakles Taverna … it was my first time there.  In the traditional Greek way, we shared Mezes (starters) … five dishes and all very delicious, washed down with the house white wine.  From Merakles, we moved on to Delfinia for a couple of drinks, sitting at the bar and enjoying the music, until Costas suggested we play Pool … first person to win three games would be declared the winner.  Much like Scrabble, Pool is not a game I have ever played a great deal of although it is a game I enjoy.  The score was 2-2 … in the decider it came down to the last ball – the black, potted by Costas, however, not a bad effort by the girlfriend.

So, we are making the most of these relaxing days, conscious of the fact that our time together is fast heading towards yet another sad farewell.



One Comment

  1. Comment by Phyl Bromley:

    Hi Helen & Costas
    Sounds like you are getting plenty of quality time together and enjoying all those walks. Pleased that the weather is being kind to you most days. You are becoming quite the ace at this scrabble and pool Helen, Costas could have some competition on his hands haha.
    Weather here is still warm but for some reason, known only to itself, the wind has returned. Such a pain!!
    The Christmas Parade was held last Saturday – I gave it a miss this year. It was a miserable wet day.
    However it is another beautiful day here in Wangavegas so I will go now and do the domestic goddess bit! Then enjoy the rest of the glorious day.
    Take care and love to you both xx

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