My Discovery of Scrabble

By Helen Grubner. Filed in Uncategorized  |  
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A Deserted Kaiki Beach - Spetses

A Deserted Kaiki Beach – Spetses

Picture the scene.  Sunday morning on Spetses and I am in bed.  Costas and I played Scrabble last evening until around 0200 hours in the morning.  He has already brought me a nice cup of tea, I have read a chapter of my book and now he brings me Bruschetta which goes down a treat.  It is raining outside, fortunately not too heavy today and we have only one leak and that is in the kitchen.  The shutters and windows are open to let in a little fresh air … one cat sitting on the windowsill, another two asleep on the bed with me, none of us in a hurry to go anywhere.  A lifestyle I will be reluctant to leave … in the short space of three weeks from now, I will be once again somewhere between Greece and New Zealand heading back to my family and my other home.

Costas and I have often talked about playing Scrabble … with his analytical brain, he is a master of the game – I cannot recall when ever I played, it must have been many years’ ago.  So now it has become our favourite pastime … slowly, slowly, I have grasped the strategies of the game and to my great delight, yesterday we played four games of which I won two – for this, I am extremely happy.

The weather of late has been something of a mixed bag, however, we have had a couple of days, although a little cool, with clear blue skies and sunshine … ideal for walking.  On Thursday we left the house late afternoon to walk to the Old Harbour and onwards to the lighthouse.  On our return, popped into Throubi for a drink and later Mayo once we were back and close to home.  On Friday, headed off in the other direction, walking to Ligoneri, stopping on the way back for a cold beer at The Havana Club with its enviable seafront location.  That evening, after a short siesta, we walked to meet John and Julie for dinner at Nektarios … I wanted to thank John for all his help when I had my computer woes.  As always, the meal there was thoroughly enjoyable, however, John and Julie insisted on splitting the bill and I had no answer for that.  Yesterday afternoon we enjoyed lunch with Christina and Nikolas at “To Nero Tis Agapes” (The Water of Love), a lovely restaurant and once again, located right on the seafront.  Here from Athens for the weekend, Christina and Nikolas drank ouzo, Costas and I shared a very nice bottle of wine.  Fish soup, a wonderful salad, kalamari, a platter of roasted vegetables and another dish I was not so keen on.  Left there at quite a pace … it was starting to rain and we wanted to make it to Roussos Cafe Bar for coffee without getting soaked.  Came home to play our first two games of Scrabble … when we felt the need for a break, walked down to Destino for a drink or two then back to the house for another two games of Scrabble.  The beauty of where we live is, even at this time of the year with many businesses closed, we can still pop out at anytime and within a couple of minutes walk, we have the choice of three Cafe Bars to visit – Delfinia, Destino and Mayo.  Right now, Costas is at Delfinia watching his team Tottenham play live on the big screen.

Our open fire burns every day from sometime in the afternoon until we retire at night.  It is not that it is terribly cold, however, it does create a wonderful atmosphere and it certainly helps to keep the air dry as the reality of winter on a Greek island can mean a lot of dampness.  So it is a cosy little scene … when all our chores are done at the Bar and at the house, if we choose to stay in, we can always play Scrabble or read.  I am about half way through the novel “Middlesex” by Jeffrey Eugenides.  Of Greek/Irish descent, I read online how the book took him nine years to write.  In 2003, it won the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction … in parts, quite a heavy read, however, I am thoroughly enjoying it.  Besides, there is nothing about my life here on Spetses to not enjoy!

Footnote:  Although I still seem to maintain an interest in taking photographs of scenes, I do seem to have lost my interest a little in taking pics when out and about with friends.  I believe this is probably because it sometimes feels like an intrusion on our lives … I am not really sure, however, I apologise and hope you all still find the images I publish interesting.



  1. Comment by Phyl Bromley:

    Hello Helen & Costas
    Sounds like you are having a lovely relaxing time in and around Spetses. You will be a scrabble whizz by the time you return home Helen.

  2. Comment by Phyl Bromley:

    I did type a bigger message than the above but for some reason it chose not to add it all????

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