Happy Costas Closing Night 2013

By Helen Grubner. Filed in Uncategorized  |  
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Will the real Costas please stand up!

Will the real Costas please stand up!

Every year our friends Ray and Heather come up with a theme for the closing night party at Bar Spetsa and Costas is kept in the dark until he arrives at the bar on the night.  When I was here back in May/June, Ray and Heather asked me if I could take a couple of photographs of Costas, one with a happy face, the other grumpy … Costas obliged.  These two photographs were to be used to have masks made for us all to wear at the party on closing night for the season.

Last Saturday 2 November 2013 at 1930 hours, I met Ray and Heather at the Bar where the usual helium balloons were delivered and released … this year every one inscribed with the words “Happy Costas Closing Night 2013”.  The Bar far more simply  decorated this year compared to last year’s elaborate affair which was a 25 year celebration of Costas and the  Bar.  Then it was off to Rendezvous to meet up with other friends and await the arrival of Costas around 2000 hours.  Costas passed us by on his way to Mammas Cafe where he goes every night for his coffee and no doubt he was wondering why we were all gathering at Rendezvous.  Once Costas had made his way to Bar Spetsa, we entered  en masse all wearing our masks and the party was underway.

I do not think anyone could have believed how hilarious the night would turn out to be … at times somewhat disorienting, weird and surreal.  At least that is how I felt … can you imagine how it must have been for Costas himself.  We had so many laughs … what a lot of fun it was for us all.  Needless to say, a very late night, however, marking the time when from now on we will be able to have a more normal life and quality time together for the remainder of my stay.

The weather here for late October/early November has been quite remarkable … what a wonderful time to be in Greece.  Apart from today and one other, cloudless skies, a warm blue sea and temperatures mostly reaching the mid 20’s.  Only a handful of local Greeks (mainly women) and myself making a daily pilgrimage to the beach for our dose of Vitamin D, followed by a dip in the warm salty water … Costas thinks I am crazy.  If I am lucky there will be another week before the weather takes a turn towards more wintry days and it will be time to put the bikini away until next year.

Last night we enjoyed our first opportunity to eat out … just after 2100 hours making the 10 minute walk uphill to my favourite taverna Paxni where I always have the chargrilled lamb cutlets.  The food there is local and fresh, their garden full of wonderful organic produce and the wine too is delicious.  As we were leaving, two other patrons were also on their way … Costas summoned them to give us a ride to Delfinia on their motorbikes – much easier than the walk back down the road in the dark.  With very few people out and about, most establishments were closed so a couple of drinks at Delfinia then home.  This is how it will be from now on as winter approaches, however, we can still enjoy a waterfront coffee during the day, meals out if we feel like it or find a bar open somewhere for a quiet drink in the evenings.

Last week someone came to chop back trees in our garden, letting in more light and sunshine over the winter … the garden looks really good now.  Costas has many off-season chores to complete at the Bar and at home … I will help where I can and otherwise we will simply enjoy quieter times here in this island paradise.

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