26km Walk Around Spetses

By Helen Grubner. Filed in Uncategorized  |  
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Sunrise over the Dapia - Spetses

Sunrise over the Dapia – Spetses

Back on 16 May 2012, I spent an amazing day walking around the island and on every visit since, I have dreamt of doing the same again, however, in the other direction.  Last Friday, 1 November 2013, I achieved my goal.

Shortly after sunrise at 0707 hours, I set off from the house … this time heading east.  There was a nip in the air but with the promise of a warm, sunny day to follow.  The early morning light … something extraordinary for lovers of photography.  The Dapia looked amazing … onwards past the Havana Club, the little church on the water’s edge and a deserted Kaiki Beach.  Next Ligoneri, Vrellos, Zogeria and Korbi Bay … with an island population of just over 4,000 and with everyone but for say perhaps 100 living in the main town, there are only a handful of houses elsewhere except for in Anargyri, where there is a smallish settlement.

The asphalt road twists and winds its way around through rejuvenating pines (there have in the past been several devastating fires on Spetses) and occasional olive groves.  The only sounds … slight movement on a relatively calm sea, a goat bell and intermittent birdsong.  Alas, no nesting Rock Partridges to be seen which had been a highlight of my walk in May last year.  On the downside, far too many motorbikes passing me by but, of course, not everyone here has the luxury of time as I do to go about their business on foot.

Overlooking Agia Paraskevi beach, the cube shaped, flat roofed house now in private ownership, which I believe was the one depicted in John Fowles novel “The Magus”.  On this lovely beach I stopped near the small church to eat my lunch of chicken and salad sandwiches, sweet green grapes and a drink of juice … replenished and ready to get back on the road.  Anargyri is roughly a halfway point … I was feeling pleased with myself to have made it that far, however, the day had heated up somewhat and the going was not getting any easier.  Stripped down to bikini and camisole top, I continued my walk, past the stunning  Xilokeriza Beach and a little further on, two of the most amazing properties on the island.  Today with a super yacht moored in the bay, however, no helicopter parked on the pad … we know one of these houses belongs to the owner of the Folie Folie Group, a Greek based international company who design, manufacture and distribute jewellery, watches and fashion accessories.

From where the small island of Spetsopoula first becomes visible (owned privately by the Greek tycoon Stavros Niarchos), there are still quite a few hard kilometres to go and my legs and feet were beginning to object to the long road.  The thought did cross my mind, if someone I knew came along and offered me a ride, how tempted would I be to take it, at the same time knowing I would want to complete what I had set out to do.  Passing through Kouzinos then a little further on Agia Marina beach and that area of the Old Harbour, around 1330 hours I had made it to Agios Mamas beach, my regular spot in the town.  Time for a quick refreshing dip then home by 0200 hours … shattered and ready for a long siesta and a night at home.

One Comment

  1. Comment by Vivienne:

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY my dear friend. Hope you have a very happy day….thinking of you.
    Loving the blogs, great photo of us. I had one of the best days I can remember, it was so lovely catching up with you before you headed off again….and we’re going to have to do that more often! Give my love to Costas
    All my love Vivienne

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