Very Soon I Must Leave

By Helen Grubner. Filed in Uncategorized  |  
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John, Costas, Me and Ray in Bar Spetsa

John, Costas, Me and Ray in Bar Spetsa

We don’t talk about it, really.  It’s not that I am worried … it’s more that I am unhappy knowing, once again, I must very soon leave this beautiful island and Costas to return to family and work in New Zealand.

I will miss my daily walks to Agios Mammas beach and my dose of sun and sea.  On Sunday I had a bird’s-eye view of the final day of yacht racing and this past week has been a scorcher!  However, the days have been windy … something of a relief actually when one is in the sun, but last weekend was when the wind was really needed for the Regatta.  I will miss my nights out spent with friends in Bar Spetsa … the fun and laughter.  One night this week, two girls (a South African and a Belgian) came in … it was their last night of two weeks holidays in Greece – they said it was the friendliest country they have ever visited and the best little Bar in the world.  They certainly created a very lively atmosphere.  All the people I have met here since my very first visit in May 2010 … some lucky enough to be living here permanently, many others who, like me, come to stay as often as they can.  This week I have enjoyed time spent with Ian from London, Ray and Heather, John, Pavlos, Pantelis and many others.  Friday night Helen arrived from Athens … it was so lovely to see her again and  catch up with each other.

I will miss all the wonderful Greek food, whether prepared at home or eaten out at a seaside Restaurant.  This week Costas was given a bag of Vlita (garden cultivated Horta) which I cooked and it was delicious.  Nevermind the  Tapsi (large baking pan) of Briam (roasted vegetable casserole) that I made and which we were happy to eat for three days.  Costas bought a watermelon … the best I have tasted since the early 1970’s when I lived in Lykavittos, Athens.  There a vendor came around the streets selling them off the back of a truck.  On Thursday night I was invited to a barbecue at Ray and Heather’s … an English couple, Ray and Eileen should have been there, however, that afternoon whilst walking into the cave at Anargyri, Eileen had slipped, broken her collarbone and dislocated her shoulder.  She was instead in hospital in Navplio and Ray and their daughter Michelle were with her.  So, together with myself, Jerry and Marilyn, Ray and Eileen’s other daughter Niki and her husband John from Brisbane and their son Lee with his wife Sandy and their young son Ben, we enjoyed Ray and Heather’s generosity … a delicious meal and as is always to be expected in their home, a variety of alcoholic shots to follow.  When we left, Jerry offered me a lift on his quad bike down to the Bar … I was home by 0315 hours.  That evening there had been a fire on the island … as I left the Bar, the Police and two fire engines passed by.  Costas enquired about the fire and thankfully they said it was out.

This weekend should be a busy one as with all religious holidays in Greece, Pentecost is vigorously celebrated.  It occurs on the seventh Sunday after Easter, or the fiftieth day and commemorates the descent of the Holy Spirit.  Last Saturday night the Bar was packed … I did not really enjoy sitting there watching Costas work so hard and felt somewhat guilty, so tonight I will endeavour to go early, before it gets too busy and come home early if things go to plan – which, of course, they sometimes don’t.  Like on Wednesday when I went to the office to buy my ticket for the hydrofoil next Tuesday.  To avoid leaving Spetses and Costas on the 0610 hours Flying Dolphin on Wednesday morning, with a subsequent lengthy wait at Athens Airport until my 1610 hours flight to Dubai, I made the decision to leave here on the 1820 hours hydrofoil on Tuesday.  With nothing to gain by staying here that last evening … I would need an early night, Costas would be at the Bar from 2000 hours, he would be arriving home just as I was having to get up to leave and at such an uncivilized hour.  Alas, I had left it too late, the 1820 hours boat was already fully booked but fortunately, I did manage to get a seat on the 1355 hours hydrofoil.

So, Tuesday night I will stay at the Triton Hotel in Piraeus … the following morning it will be easy to catch the bus to the Airport from the stop nearby.  I can leave the hotel late morning, thereby avoiding a long wait at the Airport.  Once in Dubai, I have my hotel room compliments of Emirates … it will be a twelve-hour stopover there for me, then the following day, the long haul flight on the 380-800 Airbus to Auckland via Melbourne.  The last leg of my journey with Air New Zealand to Wanganui … arriving at 1625 hours on Friday – that is, if all goes according to plan.  Naturally, as always, I am really looking forward to seeing my family.  Hopefully, I will have the weekend to recover and organise things at home before returning to work on Monday.

Leaving the sun and returning to winter will not be fun.  I will miss the island and my life here but most of all, I will miss Costas.  However, I hope to be back in Greece on 25 October for another two months’ stay, then back to New Zealand just in time to spend Christmas with my family.  Such is my life living in two countries on opposite sides of the world.

One Comment

  1. Comment by Phyllis Bromley:

    Dear Helen
    Lovely to hear from you. Enjoy your last few days on Spetses with Costas. Please also enjoy the sunshine and feel free to bring some back with you as its cold here. We had terrible winds a couple of days ago and no power for hours on end. But it seems to have died down now thank goodness. The joys of winter. Bob had panels of his greenhouse strewn around the garden it was so bad. Others had a lot worse.
    Safe travels on your return to New Zealand Helen and the first available moment we will do lunch.
    Take care
    Phyl x

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