Regatta Week on Spetses

By Helen Grubner. Filed in Uncategorized  |  
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With Ray and Heather after the Parade of Sail

With Ray and Heather after the Parade of Sail

Tuesday 11 June 2013 – without warning, the Government shutdown the Greek National Broadcaster ERT’s 5 TV channels, as well as it’s radio stations, with the loss of some 2600 jobs!  No one denies something needed to be done, however, it was the suddenness of the decision, without a leaner and more efficient public broadcaster set up to replace it that shocked the nation and this whole debacle has left the coalition government on shaky ground.  The Greek people were paying for ERT – interestingly, funded by mandatory payments in their electricity bills.

None the less, my life here on Spetses continues to be both a relaxing and very happy one.  Nights out in Bar Spetsa – where there is now a notice above the door “Spetses Classic Yacht Race 2013 – Official Moorings” – how cool is that!  No matter what time I go in or how long I stay, there is almost always someone I know or someone new to meet and talk to.  This week there was the Danish gamekeeper who works on the nearby privately owned island of Spetsopoula.  Katie and Alan, Stratos, Beatrice from Holland, Roland, Nikos, Sotiris, Panayiotes, Pavlos, Carolina, Kim, Ray and Heather – many of whom have fascinating and interesting backgrounds.  Generally, Costas seems to be the last establishment to close and so there is no where open for us to move on to, however, one night we did find Delfinia open … a couple of drinks for the road.

The weather, as I have so often written, has been heavenly!  Every day I walk down to Agios Mammas beach … an hour or so lapping up the sun, followed by a dip in the warm, salty sea – it is so, so good for mind and body.  This week, here on the island, everyone has been gearing up for the Spetses Classic Yacht Race and wouldn’t you know it, on Wednesday the weather took a turn for the worse.  Ever hopeful, I walked down to the beach – the sun refused to show its face so I returned to the house, going back around 1100 hours.  I timed it well … later in the afternoon came thunder and rain – all very nice as we enjoyed our siesta.

Thursday was registration day for the boats and crews … the first day of racing would be on Friday.  Thinking positively, I left for the beach, returning home just half an hour later … the clouds had rolled in and again the afternoon would bring good rain.  Stayed home that night, saving myself for a busy weekend to come.  Friday’s weather forecast had been for more of the same … not ideal for race participators or watchers on.  However, I awoke at 0900 hours to a blue sky and sunshine … made ready for my walk up into the hills for a panoramic view of the Saronic Gulf.  By the time I had made it to the tiny pink church, the skies were overcast, very little wind and just a few spots of rain.  Decided to return to the town and find Costas.

We met at 1800 Bar and Internet Cafe for a cappuccino.  Again parting company, I walked to the end of the pier which is very close by, met Pavlos with his mum, Heather and Beatrice, the latter and I lingering for quite some time before leaving.  As luck would have it, bumped into Costas outside the Poseidonion Grand Hotel where, after viewing Carolina’s painting exhibited inside, we decided to sit on the Verandah amongst the rich and famous to enjoy a couple of Fix beers.  Still with next to no wind, the boats were going nowhere.  By the time we arrived at Bouboulina for a lunch of lettuce salad, patates tiganetes (fries) and our favourite barbounakia (small red mullet) the boats were on the move.  A strong wind had come up … enough to cause me to put my towel around my shoulders, however, it was not to last.  Feeling replete and very satisfied with quite a perfect day, so far, around 1500 hours we returned home for our siesta.

Later that evening in the Bar, I was told there had been a “No Race” … unfortunately, too little wind – what a pity!  There was to have been three races that day … Classic Yachts, Aegean Classic Schooners and Lateens.  Yet another most enjoyable evening, spent mainly in the company of John and Julie, Anna, then Beatrice and later Ray and Heather.  Home and in bed around 0500 hours … up again at 1000 hours.  It was Saturday and I was on a mission … to be down at the Poseidonion by 1100 hours to watch the Parade of Sail for Spetsiot Schooners.  Just like on the previous day, I met up with Beatrice, Ray and Heather and together we watched the magnificent spectacle on what was a hot, gloriously sunny day, with far more importantly, better conditions for sailing … two races starting at noon – Classic Yachts and Lateens.  By 1230 hours I was in the Bar to help Costas followed by coffee out at Delfinia and an opportunity to watch and photograph something of the racing.  When Costas returned to the Bar at 1400 hours, I came home to cook English breakfast … by 1500 hours it was siesta time.

With still one more day of the Regatta to go, I’m feeling that this Blog has gone on for long enough.  So, I will close for now and write the final chapter on this subject in my next Blog.


  1. Comment by Phyl Bromley:

    Hi Helen – me again.
    Gee it’s great that you were over there for the yacht racing, it must have been great to see.
    You don’t seem to be having luck on your side for the weather at the moment. But you have obviously managed to get some awesome trips to the beach in.

    It sounds a very relaxing lifestyle although Costas sounds pretty busy in bar Spetses. Good that you are there to give him a hand.
    Raining here again today – yuck,roll on summer.

    In your photos the weather always looks divine. Make the most if it girl

  2. Comment by Phyl Bromley:

    The end was chopped of my message grrrrrh now I can’t remember what I put haha age does that to you it’s a funny thing!

    Anyway enjoy the yachting and love to you both
    Phyl xx

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