A More Relaxing Week

By Helen Grubner. Filed in Uncategorized  |  
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Heather and I - Lunch at the Poseidonion

Heather and I – Lunch at the Poseidonion

Compared to the last one, what a lovely week this has been.  Healthwise, I am now feeling on top of my game … everyday has seen some improvement and I am even sleeping better than I have done for a very long time.

It was 2300 hours on Saturday night before I went to the Bar to meet Ray and Heather … ended up staying until closing when Costas and I walked home in the rain around 0500 hours.  By Sunday morning, the weather was simply heavenly … a bright blue sky and cobalt sea.  I walked down to Agios Mammas beach to enjoy my swim and sunbathing … alas, Sundays are never quite as peaceful there with an influx of children and day trippers from the mainland.  That night, a quiet one spent at home with, of course, the four cats to keep me company.

Monday –  the same heavenly weather and a peaceful spell at the beach.  In the evening I went early to the Bar where I met Pavlos … a fifth generation descendant of Laskarina Bouboulina – a naval commander and heroine of the Greek War of Independence in 1821.  Pavlos’ father established the Bouboulina Museum here on Spetses … Pavlos works as a guide there and lives on the ground floor.  A very pleasant young man, well-educated and great company.

Tuesday – Costas wanted me at the Bar to open and mix up several kilos of all the various nuts and seeds the customers nibble on, so I did that, then decided to forgo the beach for a day as at 1430 hours we were to meet Ray and Heather at the Poseidonion Grand Hotel for lunch.  Rather than choose from the menu, Dimitri the chef chose the dishes for us … in all, ten plates to share – they just kept coming.  Wow!  What a fabulous lunch we had.  Many of the dishes are not on the Verandah menu … we had a selection of breads with a beautiful dip, club sandwiches with smoked salmon and avocado, gravlax with a green salad, another salmon dish, toast with puree tomato and anchovies, a smoked aubergine dish topped with a wild green that grows by the sea, the wonderful quinoa salad like we had a couple of weeks previously, a tahini dish, a pasta dish, beef teriyaki – again with the wild green from by the sea and the most beautiful chicken risotto.  I think that was it and all without cheese which, of course, Costas does not eat.

When Costas went home for his siesta, I went with Heather and Ray to meet up with Jerry and Marilyn at the 1800 Bar and Internet Cafe in Kounoupitsa.  A couple of leisurely drinks there overlooking the sea, after which I hopped on to the back of Jerry’s quad and we were off to Rendezvous.  From there it was a natural progression on to Bar Spetsa in the evening where I kept company with Ray and Heather and Carolina, finally making it home around 0100 hours.

Wednesday – beach, of course, then home to cook us an English breakfast.  Bacon, eggs, sausages, mushrooms, onions, tomato and baked beans.  In the afternoon, a young Greek girl – Katie, had challenged Costas to a game of scrabble at Delfinia, so I went for a coffee and to watch … Costas being the winner on the day.  That evening spent in the Bar where I had arranged to meet Tea, the young Georgian woman who cleans and irons etc for Costas.

Thursday – beach again but otherwise a fairly quiet day.  I finished reading Victoria Hislop’s “The Island” … a most enjoyable novel about a family on Crete, an adaption of which became the most successful television series ever broadcast in Greece.

Friday – there was to be no beach this day … overcast and a few large droplets of rain which came to nothing.  Lunch at Bouboulina Restaurant … Fava (split yellow pea dip), kolokithakia tiganetes (sliced courgette dipped in batter and fried) served with skordalia (garlic dip) and half a kilo of our favourite barbounakia (small red mullet).  By 2130 hours I was in Bar Spetsa … like most nights, a quiet start, just four Greeks sitting at the bar, one of them the richest man in Greece.  Carolina arrived later and we kept company for most of the night.  As the Bar eventually became very busy, I was required to collect empty glasses and change ashtrays for a while … another 0500 hours closing.  The last customers to leave were a group of four Englishmen … a father and son, the father’s brother and the skipper of the boat they were all on.  They declared Bar Spetsa to be the best bar in the world!

Saturday – lunch today at Spetsiotiko … took my time removing and devouring the flesh of two small whole fish (species unknown) together with a lettuce salad, a little bread and a Fix beer.  We have had our siesta, Costas has gone to the Bar and I will follow much later.

Just another typical week of my life on Spetses … returning to work and winter in New Zealand later this month aint going to be easy.

One Comment

  1. Comment by Phyl Bromley:

    Hi Helen no it won’t be easy returning to life in NZ after the wonderful time you keep having over there.
    Not a lot happening here my friend. It has turned colder this weekend up until then our temperatures were around 15 -17 degrees. A pretty miserable sort of day too cold to venture out so having a blob day.

    The food you have over there always sounds so delicious and healthy. We could all learn from it. 🙂

    That book you are reading sounds great I guess you can now relate to a lot of it.

    There is a an ad on tv about Phil Spencer (from location location)and a woman who is in Real Estate and every time I hear her voice it soooo sounds like you! Haha

    Take care and enjoy
    Love Phyl x

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