The Celebrating Of Our Name Day

By Helen Grubner. Filed in Uncategorized  |  
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Agios Mammas Beach

Agios Mammas Beach

In Greece, a Name Day is celebrated in a similar way to a birthday.  According to the Greek Orthodox Church, every day of the year is dedicated to the memory of at least one Saint.  If someone is named after a Saint (and most Greeks are) then it is traditional to celebrate on his or her Name Day.  21st of May is the Name Day of Costas and Helen, Constantina and Nadia and all derivatives thereof.

I began the day by going to Agios Mammas beach.  The mainly middle aged Greeks who come down to the sea for their daily bathing, instantly recognisable by their wearing of a hat and sunglasses as they bob around in the water.  The swallows … darting and dancing as they fly at great speed over head.  Paddy and Wendy arrived … after ten days straight of walking over the hill to either Anargiri or Agios Paraskevi beach, they had decided to spend the day a little more relaxed, closer to where they stay.  It was extremely hot, the sea something of a relief but I knew I must return to the house and make ready … Costas was taking me to the Poseidonion Grand Hotel for lunch.

We sat on the verandah, with a view of the Saronic Gulf … the menu very inviting, using fresh local ingredients and produce from the organic vegetable garden of the hotel.  We ordered two Fix beers … I used to drink Fix when I first came to Greece back in the 1970’s and I had forgotten how nice it was.  Next they brought us a basket of bread, three varieties … together with a dish containing a blend of mayonnaise and sun-dried tomatoes – delicious!  Then a wonderful green salad dressed with an asian vinaigrette, followed by our main course – burgers.  Together with these, we were given a plate on the house … an amazing salad of quinoa, peas, spring onions, cucumber and loads of dill with anchovies on the side.  Insisting that we should partake in a sweet to finish our meal, they brought a plate to share … balls of rizogalo (rice pudding) floating in a plate of thick cherry soup.  It was a meal never to be forgotten.  Returning home for our afternoon siesta … it was to be interrupted many times by well wishers telephoning Costas to wish him Kronia Polla (many years).

By 2000 hours we were both at the Bar.  Paddy and Wendy were in early for their pre dinner drinks … I was to stay until closing.  All through the night, well wishers continued to drop in with gifts for Costas … cakes, sweets, chocolates, alcohol, flowers, plants clothing and the telephone continued to ring right up until midnight.  Among the drinkers was a group of young people, all staff at the Poseidonion … including the chef, the barman and the receptionist.  When one of them decided to open a bottle of tequila and pour shots, I was in their company.  They were surprised when politely, I only had a sip then left my glass on the bar … I was quite happy to stick with my usual drink – 5 Star Metaxa and ginger ale.  It was a great day but sorry, I did not take a single photograph.

Nearly a week has gone by since our Name Day … a week which has included several visits to the beach and a number of nights out in Bar Spetsa.  On Friday night I caught up with our Scottish friends Ray and Heather who arrived back on the island earlier in the week from a vacation to Dubai.  Sunday night I enjoyed a meal out with Paddy and Wendy at Exedra Restaurant.  Right on the sea on the road to the Old Harbour, it was where Costas and I had our first lunch together just over three years’ ago.  For a few nights last week, the town was full of young 18-year-old students … having just finished their High School years, they were celebrating before heading off to Universities all over the world.

Yesterday, I had a lovely walk to Kouzinou … leaving the house just after 1000 hours, I wanted to see how hot it would be out walking during the day as I think about making another circumnavigation of the island, as I did last year, however, this time I will go anti-clockwise around.  It was incredibly hot yesterday … tonight feels a little cooler than it has been and so I am hopeful that in the coming days I will walk once again around this amazingly beautiful island.

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