Crete Farewelled – Welcome to Spetses

By Helen Grubner. Filed in Uncategorized  |  
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On my way to Agios Mammas beach

On my way to Agios Mammas beach

On Thursday the rain came … a welcome arrival for most after a rather dry Winter, however, not well-timed for the olive trees now in flower.  Feeling optimistic I walked down to the beach in the morning … alas, the clouds thickened, there was to be no sunbathing nor swim for me that day.   Vanna had invited me on Friday to visit late in the afternoon … I had walked only a short distance when Roma came along and gave me a lift to very close to their house.  I had not expected to stay for dinner but it was insisted upon and it was after midnight when Roma and Vanna drove me home.

By Saturday the sun had returned and so, naturally, I was back at the beach.  Katina had made Yemista (stuffed tomatoes, peppers, courgettes, courgette flowers and vine leaves) for lunch … one of my favourite Greek dishes, I could eat them every day.  Johanna and Antoni arrived in the evening from Hania so another feast … barbecued chicken, fried potatoes and a wonderful salad – we always seem to be eating and drinking with family and friends.

All too soon Sunday arrived, where had the week gone.  After the usual sad and tearful farewells, Kostoula walked with me to wave me off on the 1630 hours bus to Hania.  My friends Jillie and Rick were due to arrive in Hania that evening at 2115 hours and we hoped to catch up for a late supper.  Jillie telephoned me from Hania Airport and I took a taxi to meet them at their hotel from where we went to Kou Kou Vaya (The Owl) a Music Cafe with unforgettable views just below the Venizelos Graves in Hania.  It was wonderful to see them again after quite some time … they drove me back to Antonia and Vassiles home, I did not sleep well, feeling anxious about my early start in the morning and travel to Spetses.

Up at 0630 hours, Antonia dropped me at the Bus Station, 0800 hours bus to Hania Airport, 0925 hours flight with Aegean Air to Athens, bus to Port of Piraeus and a long wait for the 1415 hours Flying Dolphin hydrofoil to Spetses where I arrived around 1630 hours … a smiling Costas at the port to meet me – it felt wonderful to be back in my other home.  The four cats too appeared happy to see me.  Late in the evening I walked down to the Bar … rather quiet everywhere, however, it was after 0300 hours before closing and home to bed.

Yesterday I did not leave the house … easing myself back into life here – cooking, squeezing lemons, a spot of gardening and ironing, then an early night for me.  Awoke this morning to a beautiful Spring day … I just had to go down to Agios Mammas beach for a couple of hours, home for lunch, a long afternoon siesta and now soon I will get ready for another night out in Bar Spetsa.  Not a bad life and just reward for all my weeks of hard work back in New Zealand.

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