First Days Back in Greece

By Helen Grubner. Filed in Uncategorized  |  
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Table laid at Vanna and Roma's

Table laid at Vanna and Roma’s

My physical being left Greece on 5 December 2012, however, my heart remained in Ellada.  I travelled back to New Zealand, to family and work, the time passing slowly until Costas arrived in February to spend two weeks with me downunder … an amazing time together with family and friends.  After his departure I began counting down the weeks until once again I was on my way back to my adopted home.

The usual sad and difficult farewell to family at Wanganui Airport … approximately one hour later arriving in Auckland.  With my trolleycase checked in, I filled in time until my dear friend Vivienne arrived, sharing a bottle of wine as we usually do.  When I reserved my seat on the 380-800, I was too late to secure 50A – chose 65A … not wise!  It was exactly by a toilet and anyone who has travelled on a big ‘bird’ will know how loud is the flush – it sounds like it is swallowing up the entire world!  The bonus, however, was three seats all to myself as far as Melbourne, enabling me to put my feet up.  From Melbourne to Dubai, almost a full plane.  The usual shopping spree in Dubai filling in time as best as one can, then onwards to Athens.  With very little time to spare I made it on to my Aegean Air flight to Hania, collecting my case from the carousel, only to find that the Greek baggage handling staff had broken the handle making it difficult to navigate my walk to Antonia’s house, once off the bus I had taken into the Centre.  40 hours door-to-door, the final leg walking in 29 degrees C heat – I was exhausted!

Saturday morning, Antonia and I went to the beach … a spot of sunbathing, followed by my first swim in a relatively warm sea.  Back at the house, Antonia and Vassiles son Bill, together with his wife Rena and their two year old twins, Maria and Vasilakes joined us for lunch.  Late in the evening Antonia went to church, returning with her lit candle.  Last year I had gone with her but this year, I felt too tired.  By 0830 hours on Sunday morning, we were on our way to Kastelli.

A warm welcome from the family … the weather glorious and what is more, it was Easter Sunday.  Not long before the goat was roasting on the spit … the day would be a day for family and friends, food, wine and much merriment.  When I finally made it upstairs to my bed at 2230 hours, I had a 10 hour sleep, the likes of which I generally can only dream of.  The following morning I walked down to Kastelli beach, an hour in the sun, another swim then back to the house where Vanna and Roma had come to see me.  Lunch, followed by an afternoon siesta, then with Vassiles, Katina and Anna, we went to Vanna and Roma’s for coffee.  Not surprisingly, we stayed on … Roma spit roasted chicken, Vanna made pilaf and salads … a feast was laid on the table for family and friends … a ten year old wine just the icing on the cake.

Yesterday, I was back at the beach for another dose of sun and sea … home in time for lunch and a meal of Horta … delicious.  The weather has changed a little, this morning being slightly overcast and so I walked to Vanna’s to write my first Blog, publish Images and contemplate how I will cope today without the sun and the sea.  It is, however, an opportunity to write and this trip I must walk to Vanna’s to do so as there is no longer WiFi connection at the family home.

Only five more sleeps until I move on to Spetses and Costas.  Although I could never come to Greece and not visit my Cretan family, Costas is the main reason I return now twice every year for a stay of two months duration.  Having first stepped foot on Greek soil in 1973, it was during my six month stay in 2010 and meeting Costas that changed the path of my life forever.

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