Farewell to Crete – Safe Arrival on Spetses

By Helen Grubner. Filed in Uncategorized  |  
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Costas and I in Boggi

My last few days on Crete were quiet and relaxed happy ones, just as they had been since I first arrived.  On Thursday I went walking along the seafront and into town.  I had forgotten there was to be a general strike in Greece that day … alas, everywhere was closed, even the periptero’s (kiosks).  Later in the week when Katina said she was going to visit the cemetery, I decided I would go with her.  As we were cleaning up around the family tomb, including weeding the pot plants that are there, I came across a frog with only the top of his head and eyes protruding as he rested in the cool, damp earth.  On our way back down the hill we searched for horta (wild edible greens) – a mainstay of the old Cretan diet and very delicious!  With much needed rain, we found only a few radikio (dandelion), however, later in the day Katina went out to search once again, bringing home enough for our evening meal … a real treat.  As were the sika (figs) we picked and ate straight from the tree on our way home from the cemetery.  Free food and all to die for!

I do love so much the Greek food, especially that which I have when staying with the family in Kastelli.  One day Katina made Boureki (Greek vegetable pie) using mizithra (a soft cheese rather like cottage cheese, only nicer) made from their own goat’s milk.  One evening we had something I had never tried before – tiganites – kind of like a fritter made from flour and water with a little salt and fried.  Over these we drizzled petimezi (a grape syrup made from boiled down grapes only) – one of the oldest and most ancient recipes going back thousands of years, topped off with sprinkled sesame seeds.

Sunday came and it was time for me to move on … with some sadness, of course, however, I was very much looking forward to getting back to Costas and Spetses.  The wild mother cat and her two young had returned before I left and each day were coming a little closer to the house to eat whatever Katina had put out for them.  Hopefully they will eventually become part of the household.  My friends Antonia and Vassiles from Hania were visiting Kastelli on Sunday so it was arranged that I would catch a ride with them back to Hania for an overnight stay and early start on Monday.

Up at 0545 hours and dropped off by Antonia at the bus station in time to catch the 0700 hours bus to the airport.  A pleasant flight to Athens with Olympic Airways and just enough time to be served a chocolate croissant and coffee for breakfast.  Arriving in the capital at 0915 hours, I then caught the X96 bus to the Port of Piraeus.  It was an overcast and chilly day with a lengthy wait for the next Flying Dolphin to Spetses at 1400 hours with the rain coming down just as we were boarding.  First stop Poros, then Hydra and Ermioni, finally reaching my destination around 1630 hours where a very happy Costas was awaiting me on the jetty.  A nice meal with a glass of wine, siesta and off to Bar Spetsa in the evening.  Back there again last night to catch up with a few familiar faces including our very good friends Ray and Heather, moving on to Boggi after closing … it was a great night.  Today, Heather and Ray came to the house in order for us all to arrange a trip away in a couple of weeks’ time.  We will stay in Galaxidi, a very picturesque small town near to Delphi … I know we will have a wonderful time and looking forward to it.

Great to be back … actually, it really does not feel like I was ever away from Costas and this beautiful island.

One Comment

  1. Comment by Phyl Bromley:

    Dear Helen, thank you for your email as always it was great to hear from you. I am just having my morning coffee and catching up on reading your latest blog. Wow sounds to me Helen you had better take particular notice of all those wonderful recipes and present a few at our next pot luck!!! The food over there sounds amazing and so different.
    So pleased to hear you are now with your beloved Costas. You should throw caution to the wind and stay my friend as you only get one crack at this life it is no dress rehearsal!!! Do what makes you happy I say. 🙂
    Well at this stage there is no wind thank goodness and the sun is shining if I just close my eyes I can pretend I am in the Greek Islands ………yeah right!!
    Coffee and dream over I am now heading into town for some retail therapy. Take care and my regards to Costas.
    Your friend
    Phyl x

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