I Was Not Expecting Summer!

By Helen Grubner. Filed in Uncategorized  |  
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Mum, Dave and I at Wanganui Airport

Mama Mia!  1130 hours Sunday morning and already the thermometer is reading 26 degrees C inside the house.  At the same time last year, the days and nights were considerably cooler … it would have been a good idea to have packed more summer clothes.  Never mind, I arrived safely, albeit extremely weary at 1930 hours Friday – 42 hours door-to-door.

Farewelled at Wanganui Airport by my mum, son Dave and his girlfriend Kayla.  First hiccup, our wee pencil plane was diverted to Hamilton due to a “minor” mechanical problem.  All passengers were offered a $6.00 complimentary refreshments voucher which I used to purchase a large bottle of water.  Another aeroplane was supplied and we continued on to Auckland, greeted there by a beautiful day, encouraging me to walk over to the International Terminal.  McDonald’s for lunch … fries (very salty, I’m not accustomed to eating such takeaways) and a fillet of fish burger.  An enjoyable glass of Pinot Noir before boarding my Emirates flight to Melbourne, departing at the slightly later time of 1930 hours.

My choice for dinner was the lamb, very tender.  With three seats all to myself, I was able to put my feet up and lie down whilst I listened to music and relaxed until the Fasten Seatbelts sign came on … a short spell of turbulence I can only liken to an earthquake in the air as the plane was shaken about in the sky.  Twelve hours after leaving my home, we were on the ground in Melbourne.  The usual security checks to go through on the ground, then once again airborne, bound for Dubai.  Unfortunately, no longer with the luxury of three seats to myself, in spite of taking a sleeping tablet, I managed only sporadic dozing during the long flight.  When we arrived in Dubai around 0500 hours, the outside temperature was already 28 degrees C.  Once inside the terminal I had plenty of time to freshen up and shop amongst the throngs of people until takeoff bound for Athens. 

Watching the screen countdown the “Time to Athens” – how good can that possibly feel as I listened to Sam Cooke’s “A Change Is Gonna Come” and “You’ve Really Got a Hold on Me” amongst others.  The loveliest of crews moving like poetry in motion as they tend to our needs, including a very charming Greek steward and a black guy, full of humour and the joys of life!  Out the window all I could see was blue sky, clouds and from time to time, the sand of desert lands.  Flying through a neutral zone, however, on a sobering note, very much aware of the conflict taking place down below, especially in Syria.  Then, 90 minutes out of Athens, the wonderful blue Mediterranean Sea below.  Of course, from time to time, I would remind myself that this journey from Auckland to Athens return, was compliments of Emirates, for which I am very grateful.

Scheduled arrival time in Athens 1400 hours on Friday, 1625 hours departure with Aegean Airlines to Hania, Crete – caught a bus into the Centre,  just in time to hop on another, the final leg of my journey, arriving at the family home in Kastelli around 1930 hours.  A light meal of hilopita (noodles made with their own eggs and milk) and in bed by 2130 hours, not moving from there until 1630 hours Saturday.  Today I am feeling human again, just as well as we are expecting a number of the family to turn up this afternoon.

Anna, the family matriarch is now 93.  When I first became acquainted with the family in 1981, Anna was the age that I am now.  Back then the family spanned three generations … with Anna’s first great great grandchild due soon, a fifth generation will begin.  How privileged and blessed am I to be accepted as one of them. 



One Comment

  1. Comment by Phyl:

    Wow Helen, that few months has simply flown by, so much has happened this year. I will certainly be looking forward to 2013 with the hope for a better year.
    Well my friend, we haven’t even had a chance to catch up for that wine in between your visits to the beautiful Greek Islands. NEXT TIME you are home we will definitely do that. I guess you have had the settling in period with your changeover in Realty. I look forward to your blogs once again, and to following you on your trip to meet up with your beloved Costas. In the meantime I am supposed to be at cricket in 5 minutes watching my 2 grandsons play for their school. Look forward to more news from you on your travels.
    Take care
    Phyl x

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