Wow! Unexpected Surprise!

By Helen Grubner. Filed in Uncategorized  |  
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Costas and I – moments before saying farewell

My thoughts had been, not to bother writing a Blog about my journey back to New Zealand, unless there was something extraordinary to tell … and there is, so here goes.

Tuesday, my last day in Spetses with Costas … aside from getting organised for my departure, we had lunch out together at Filippos and I arrived in Bar Spetsa before 2100 hours.  As expected, Ray and Heather came in to see me, also Debbie – after enjoying four 5 Star Metaxa’s with ginger ale, I was home before 0030 hours, supposedly for a night of slumber.  Unfortunately, sleep was not too forthcoming and Costas late arrival home at 0540 hours did nothing to help the situation, but … never mind.

Wednesday morning out of bed at 0820 hours … made ready for my journey, said farewell to the cats, then Costas and I made the short walk to Filippos for coffee – but first, freshly squeezed orange juice and a toasted sandwich.  I had no idea when the next refreshments would be as my schedule was a tight one.  Joined by Ray and Heather …  a sad but controlled departure on time at 1045 hours, arriving in Piraeus at 1330 hours.  Anxious about whether or not the bus would get me to the airport on time, I had pretty much decided to take a taxi.  Ready and waiting to be one of the first off the hydrofoil, I was swamped by taxi drivers looking for business.  Knowing the cost should be no more than 50 Euro, I went with Ioannis in his Mercedes Benz … he quoted 45-46 Euro, seemed honest and has been in the business 28 years.  Ioannis had me to the airport in 45 minutes and I paid 46 Euro.  Thank goodness I took a taxi.  Had I not, I doubt that I would have been in time to take advantage of what was about to be offered to me.

Proceeded immediately to Emirates economy check-in desk.  Was asked if I had booked and paid for my ticket myself … yes, strange I thought but I had for the first time booked myself online.  Anyway, after a 5 minute wait and an attempted telephone call, I was told to go to Desk 35 – apparently there was a “message” for me.  As I waited, Costas telephoned … told him to phone back as at that point, I did not know what was going on.  Others ahead of me were taking some time to process … after a long wait, my turn came and very soon I was to realise the wait would be worthwhile. 

Due to over sales, Emirates were asking me to accept re-routing with Aegean Airlines to Larnaca, Cyprus and then on to Dubai with Emirates, arriving just a couple of hours later than I would have done on the flight I had booked.  In return, I was offered and of course, accepted an Options Voucher … valid for one year and the reason for issue being Denied Boarding Compensation – A COMPLIMENTARY TICKET FOR A ROUND TRIP – Auckland/Athens/ Auckland!  Thank you very much Emirates – I will certainly be able to use it come October.

So it was a frenetic hour and a half at the airport … from Desk 35 to the Emirates ticketing and reservations – to the far end of the terminal to check-in my luggage with Aegean Airlines – Costas called again as I raced back to Emirates ticketing and reservations – quickly told him of my good fortune and felt guilty that I had not the time for a decent conversation – passport control – duty free purchases of Metaxa 5 Star x 2 for me and a Metaxa 7 Star for my son Dave – through security check , then on to Gate A13.  Flight time to Larnaca 1 hour 10 minutes during which time we were served a Baguette with Turkey and Edam Cheese – also a Yogurt with Honey and I had a coffee.  Waiting time at Larnaca Airport would be about three and a half hours during which time I would sit in a Bar with a pint of Amstel and write this Blog thus far.

Eventually up and away on an A330-200 … it had come from Malta and would take us all on to Dubai.  Before boarding I spoke with a lady from Perth who together with her husband, had been visiting family in Greece, as well as two guys from Sydney who were part of a television crew … they too had received complimentary round trips and were as ecstatic as I was.  We were served dinner which I had with a red wine – all very nice and with a spare seat next to me, a little more room to spread out and relax.

Arrived in Dubai 0100 hours local time (midnight Greek time) – made it to my hotel by 0230 hours and in bed by 0330 hours.  Knowing my wake up call would be at 0700 hours, I didn’t sleep all that well, afraid I may not hear the call and miss my flight … I needed to catch the shuttle bus back to the airport by 0800 hours.  Checked in luggage weighed 25.2kg … hand luggage – well, that would be any one’s guess and added to further with duty free shopping.  Settled into window seat 49K on the A380-800 with a spare seat between me and a very pleasant lady travelling from London back to Sydney.  Lunch went down well, then settled in for the long haul … as always I enjoyed listening to music such as Sam Cooke and Eric Clapton to name but two and I watched some eight episodes of “Fawlty Towers”.  Dozed a little, served pizza sometime during the night and breakfast closer to arriving in Sydney.  At the airport brushed teeth, washed face and all that stuff which makes one feel a whole lot better.  As we left Sydney, the views of the city were just stunning.  Served another breakfast … smooth run all the way to Auckland – 1525 hours flight on to Wanganui – back now with family and friends.

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