Last Blog For Now – Back In October

By Helen Grubner. Filed in Uncategorized  |  
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Back In Our Garden after lunch at Roussos


With very little time remaining, we have managed to make the last few days memorable, just as every day has been since my arrival back in Spetses six weeks’ ago.  I had hoped to make one more long walk last Friday … alas, I did not manage to gather enough motivation, instead sunbathing at home then cooked yet another yummy full English breakfast for the ‘boyfriend’ and I.  This year, three new businesses have opened on Spetses selling Greek Frozen Yogurt … Costas came home with a pottle – it is so delicious!  Early evening I thought it was time I began my shopping for a few bits and pieces to take back to New Zealand then off to the Bar around 2200 hours.  Saw Ray and Heather and Ian … he is from London and visits Spetses regularly for 10-12 days at a time.  We first met in 2010 on a day when the sea was so rough, we could not embark from the hydrofoil, were taken back to the mainland and shared a taxi to Kosta and a water taxi over to the island.   

On Saturday – sun, shower, then off to meet Costas at Filippos for coffee.  Returned home for our siesta until we were hungry … ordered takeaways from ‘Clock’ – two chili burgers with chips and a Chef’s Salad.  Realising that night would be a late one, did not go to the Bar until midnight, spending time with Ray and Heather then later with Helen from Athens (we first met a few weeks’ ago) and David from Norfolk in the UK.  David works as a gardener, however, currently he is living his dream, just as I did two years’ ago when I journeyed all over Greece for six months – totally free.  However, David is into his third month of a three month journey which saw him begin in Kathmandu, on to other places then Istanbul and now Greece.  It was the music which drew him into Bar Spetsa and he was back again last night for more … David is a fan of The Rolling Stones and as I recall, he has been to no less than eight live Stones concerts. 

Yesterday – sun, shower, then off to meet Costas at Spetsiotiko for lunch.  In the evening, waited at home for a telephone call from my Mum then yes, you guessed it, off once again to Bar Spetsa.  Ray and Heather were there with Christos from Paradise who was celebrating his birthday.  Helen too and David and Patrick – an actor from Detroit, Michigan … we had so much fun and shared laughter – one of the best nights ever in the Bar, coming home just as the sun was rising!  Although the Bar was not as busy as last year – almost certainly due to Greece’s current dire situation and the impending elections, it was busy and a whole lot of fun.  

Today – up too late for sunbathing, however, shower, then off to meet Ray and Heather at Roussos for lunch … such a busy social schedule which does not look like easing up but tonight I will stay at home.  Tomorrow there will be last minute shopping to do and the dreaded packing.  I will go into Bar Spetsa early for one last time this visit then home by midnight as on Wednesday I must leave Costas and the island on the 1045 hours hydrofoil bound for Piraeus.  A bus or taxi if I must to Athens Airport, at 1640 hours my flight will leave for Dubai.  A hotel room there, compliments of Emirates, departing the next day for Wanganui, via Sydney and Auckland.  I am in a state of disbelief that I must once again leave Costas and my island home.  Naturally, I am very much looking forward to seeing family and friends, however, the thought of returning to work and grey winter skies is a little daunting.  Never mind, I have my goal and aim to be back in Greece sometime in October for another two months’ stay … my life in two countries on opposite sides of the world will continue.

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