Wednesday Will Come Too Soon

By Helen Grubner. Filed in Uncategorized  |  
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Birds Eye view of Spetses


I began the week on Monday with another of my lovely long walks … leaving the house around 0830 hours and once again heading up the mountain.  Helped along by a refreshing breeze, the aroma of the pines, wild thyme and other scented herbs … with only the occasional bike coasting down (no need to run the motor going in that direction) to interrupt my peaceful state of mind.  Admiring the magnificent properties on the way, however, given a choice, I would pick the little old house with its rambling garden … fruit trees – potatoes, corn, courgettes, aubergines, beans, tomatoes and much more and with stunning views over the town and the Peloponnese’s in the distance, separated by the bluest of seas. 

On reaching the top, had my first stop to partake of a little of my Spanakopita and a drink of juice, then on to Profitis Ilias … I was 5km of the way.  Carried on along the ridge, blown away by the panoramic views to both sides of the island, then the long and winding road down, coming out just a little short of Vrellos.  My plan was to find a quiet beach on which to relax for a couple of hours … I found one between Vrellos and Ligoneri – not easy to access, however, that added to it’s appeal.  Braved a quick dip before setting off on the final 4km … back home at 1345 hours.  Costas had bought our first Peponi (sweet melon) of the season … the cool, sweet taste was just what I needed.  I left him making Briam (oven roasted vegetables) and I went off to bed for a siesta and to rest my aching feet and legs.  That evening went to the Bar at 2300 hours … at 0200 hours it looked promising for an early night – alas, late arrivals meant it became another 5.00am’er! 

On Tuesday, once again we had the two Doctors – Dimitris and Yanni, here for lunch … a lettuce, tomato and cucumber salad with Briam to start, Spaghetti Bolognaise then fresh fruits to finish.  When the shops re-opened for their evening trading, I went to search for a new bikini … back home in half an hour with a gorgeous bright red one – I never expected it would be that easy to find.  Off to the Bar once again around 2300 hours … kept company with Ray and Heather, Gerald and Sophie – when they left, met some guys off a boat – the Bar closed early at 0145 hours … an opportunity for us to go to Balkoni for a few quiet drinks – home around 4.00am’ish.  Last night, back in Bar Spetsa at 2230 hours, however, home by 0200 hours as today the plan was to go out with Ray and Heather on their boat.  Alas, the boat trip was postponed, as two friends of ours have split and Ray and Heather are dealing with the fall out.  However, they will definitely try to make it happen before I leave next Wednesday. 

So, Costas and I had a very enjoyable lunch out today at Bouboulina … Marouli (lettuce) Salad, Yemista (stuffed tomatoes) and our favourite fish Barbounakia (small red mullet) – delicious!  Tonight I will stay in as I hope to have one more long walk tomorrow, then this weekend should be a very busy one in Bar Spetsa.  With Sunday being 50 days after Easter, everyone will be celebrating the Pentecost … I want to be at the Bar, Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights, to join in the fun, especially as now I have just a very few precious days to go before I must leave my Greek and this wonderful island home.

One Comment

  1. Comment by Phyl Bromley:

    Hello Helen & Costas,
    Sounds like a busy busy time at Bar Spetses. But hey sounds like an awful lot of fun too, especially with the Pentecost. Well you have inspired me with your walks my friend, something I have been lacking of late. Still I have had a lot going on but will get back into my walking starting tomorrow. However I can’t say I will be rushing out to buy a bikini…………..I don’t think so haha. You have a lovely figure for a bikini Helen. Must be all that walking and all those lovely greek salads you have.
    Yes not long now my friend before you depart from your island home and your lovely man Costas. Enjoy the precious time you have left together……………ie till the next time.
    Take care
    Phyl x

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