Oh, – What A Life

By Helen Grubner. Filed in Uncategorized  |  
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Costas and I at Ray’s 40 12th Birthday BBQ Party

Socialising and sun … it is true, you cannot have too much of a good thing!  For me, it is fine – I am not working … for Costas, it is not so easy, with the Bar to run every night and a run on social engagements.  I have nothing to worry about … most days soaking up the sun for an hour and a half, happily doing a few chores around the house and yes, socialising!

Friday we had lunch out with Ray and Heather at Filippos … the one and only day when the weather blotted it’s copy book – cool, overcast and a pathetic attempt to rain.  That evening I was in the Bar by 2100 hours, staying until closing at 0400 hours … the two of us then heading for Boggi, where the music is always Greek and deafeningly loud.  The young Greeks dance and sing … as always, I really enjoyed our time there.

After such a late night/early morning, there was a need on Saturday to rest and relax a little … Costas brought home takeaways from the Square – Bakalaros (deep fried cod) with Skordalia (garlic dip), fries and warm beetroot salad.  A meal I always relish.  Again, that night in the Bar … kept company with John and Julie, Ken and Anita – home at the more sensible hour of 0100 hours.

Sunday, the weather was glorious … sunbathed, then by 0200 hours we had arrived at Ray and Heather’s where, together with many friends (mostly ex-pats) we celebrated Ray’s 40 12th (52nd) birthday with an impressive BBQ lunch.  Costas, of course, left very early … I left around 2030 hours, also early but by that time, with almost everyone present having downed countless shots of various cocktails, the party was indeed in full swing. I went on to visit Costas in the Bar, spent time with Paddy and Wendy, John and Julie, coming home to sleep around 2300 hours. 

Monday, 21 May, was Costas’ Name Day – mine too.  Met up with Ken and Anita for lunch at To Nero Tis Agapis (The Water of Love), a well appointed seaside Restaurant.  Ken and Anita have had the privilege of living and working on Spetses for 10 years, however, with work now not being so easy to come by, they have made a decision to return and live in the UK and will leave on Friday.  All very sad really, however, they will have so many wonderful memories to take with them which no one can take away.  Since Sunday I had had a bit of a tummy upset and feeling a little nauseous, stayed away from the Bar that evening, unfortunately missing out on seeing Paddy and Wendy for the last time as they flew home yesterday.  However, Paddy is a GP and when Costas told him about my unwellness, Costas raced home briefly to bring me some tablets which worked a treat and I made a speedy recovery (alas, I missed out though on celebrating my Name Day).

You could say though that I made up for it last evening … in the Bar early, home around 0130 hours for a long chat with my sister on the telephone, then back to Bar Spetsa to have a drink with Costas, staying until closing time.  With just 2 weeks remaining until I must commence my long journey back downunder, I intend to continue enjoying and making the most of every precious moment in time.

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