How Greece Is Faring

By Helen Grubner. Filed in Uncategorized  |  
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Costas and I – Liotrivi Restaurant – Spetses


With the media reporting all doom and gloom, in the eyes of the world, Greece does not look flash … riots, poverty, high unemployment, suicides and even bankruptcy looming.  However, here on Spetses, I live a dream life, where there are no outward signs of any of the above … with the exception perhaps of many businesses closed and fewer people around and about enjoying what island life has to offer.  For me it is still the good old Greece I first came to know many years ago – a country and it’s people both possessing irresistible beauty. 

This coming Sunday, 6 May 2012, will see a General Parliamentary Election.  With five years of recession and continuing Government cuts and imposed austerity measures, the polls have shown a decline in support for the two main parties – PASOK (Panhellenic Socialist Movement) and ND (New Democracy).  Seen as crooks and liars, many Greeks plan to abstain whilst others will make protest votes by voting for one of the many smaller parties that oppose the harsh reforms imposed by the European Union and the IMF. 

I have been back on the island for a week now.  Of course, it is Springtime and the weather is a dream … my days and nights filled with gathering memories.  Yesterday afternoon we had a rendezvous at 1500 hours for lunch with Ray and Heather at Liotrivi Restaurant in the Old Harbour.  Sitting at an outside table under an umbrella right on the seafront, partaking of the most wonderful, delightful food prepared by chef Roland, together with a first class wine.  With Bar Spetsa to open, Costas left early for home, leaving we three to pile on the bike and head for Paradise Bar/Restaurant at Agia Marina beach.  Joined by Mike and Debbie, a few drinks there then shortly after the sun went down, back on the bike and off to Bar Spetsa.  Took a call there from my son Dave … the first time I have heard from him since leaving Wanganui – we chatted for well over an hour. 

Today the weather has been more akin to a hot summer’s day.  Costas and I lunched at Bouboulina Restaurant – Barbounakia (small red mullet), patates tiganetes (fries), marouli (lettuce) salad, bread and a shared Amstel.  Tomorrow we will eat in … I have prepared fakes (brown lentils) which we will have with a broccoli salad.  For anyone who may see Greek food as uninspiring … such thoughts could not be further from the truth.

One Comment

  1. Comment by Phyl Bromley:

    Hello again, well first off I want to say what a lovely photo of you both………….love it. You both look so happy together.

    Glad you are away from the troubles Helen and safe on Spetses.

    I love the comments on the Restaurants and the yummy food you partake in. Although I am not too sure on the brocolli salad!! haha

    Good that you have heard from Dave, always nice to hear from family.

    Weather here is cold cold cold, bit of a change for us as April was one of the best months.

    I am heading to bed now, enjoy the dream life dear friend.

    Phyl xx

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