A Little Island History

By Helen Grubner. Filed in Uncategorized  |  
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Mansion of Sotirios Anargyros – Spetses

Determined to make the most of the opportunity I have to live in this island paradise and with the weather these past few days producing clear blue skies, a light breeze and warm temperatures, I leave the house early each morning for a walk.  I have options … from Dapia (the Port) – east towards the Old Harbour, west through that area known as Kounoupitsa and on past the Anargyrios & Korgialenios School of Spetses or uphill and into the mountains.  Back in Wanganui I walk carrying my mobile telephone, not wanting to miss any opportunity for business … here I walk carrying my camera, not wanting to miss any opportunity to capture the highlights of all that I see – beautiful old buildings or parts of, fishing boats, cats, wild spring flowers and more.  Around midday is my time for an hour’s sunbathing … hopefully the wonderful turquoise coloured sea will soon be warm enough for me to enjoy a dip in.

The island of Spetses most famous benefactor, Sotirios Anargyros, left for the United States penniless then returned as a millionaire.  His Mansion in the Dapia is a formidable sight … he also built the Poseidonion Grand Hotel, founded the elite boarding school Anargyrios and Korgialenios School of Spetses and organised reforestation to replace the pine trees cut down for firewood and masts.  In antiquity, the island was so green, it was known as Pityoussa – covered with pines. 

The Poseidonion Grand Hotel first opened in 1914 then after five years of restoration, re-opened in the summer of 2009.  Over the years it has been and still is a favourite destination for high society, royalty and wealthy Athenians among others.  The Anargyrios and Korgialenios School of Spetses, opened on 1 October 1927 to train future Greek leaders, however, sadly closed in 1983.

The Bouboulina Museum is housed in what was the home of Laskarina Bouboulina … born 11 May 1771, she died tragically on 22 May 1825 – murdered on the balcony of her home by an unidentified killer.  She was a Greek naval commander and a heroine of the Greek War of Independence in 1821.  Another beautiful old building is the traditional and historic Economou Mansion … built in 1851 by the famous Captain Michail Economou, it is situated on the seafront and now houses an upmarket hotel. 

Crete I have loved for a very long time … Spetses I have loved for 2 years now – how fortunate I am to be here.

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