Was I Ever Away From Spetses

By Helen Grubner. Filed in Uncategorized  |  
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Red Poppies – Anzac Day on Spetses

Arriving back here on such a glorious sunny day with the island looking at its best … now two days on, it is difficult to believe that I was ever away from Spetses.  Spent my last afternoon in Kastelli amidst loud, lively conversation – the young ones discussing politics and religion, two favourite topics amongst Greeks.  Poor Anna, she was not well and retired upstairs very early.  I hitched a ride with Antoni and Johanna, arriving at Antonia’s in Hania at 1900 hours.

 Monday’s journey went without a hitch … bus to the airport Euro 2.30 (my taxi in when I arrived 10 days earlier was 10 times that at Euro 23).  A good flight to Athens, then on the 0935 hours bus to Piraeus.  Purchased my hydrofoil ticket, a Spanakopita (spinach pie) and a bottle of water then settled down to wait for our 1300 hours departure.  Costas telephoned … could not sleep and so was going out and would be at the jetty to meet me. Arrived on time at 1525 hours … extremely happy to be here.  A warm welcome from Costas and all four cats.  Reintroduced myself that night to Bar Spetsa … back there again last evening catching up with Ray and Heather – we passed a very pleasant evening.  Yesterday was overcast and so, with no need to venture out, spent a relaxing day at home.  Today has been absolutely glorious … a walk to the Old Harbour and returned zig-zagging my way through back streets, there are so many beautiful homes and gardens.  This is a wealthy island … many of the children have gone on to education at top university’s around the world – there is no outward recognition here of the current crisis gripping the country.  Enjoyed lunch out at Spetsiotiko … when we came home at 1400 hours, the thermometer in the garden was reading 30 degrees C! The clock is now nearing midnight … a good night’s sleep needed so that tomorrow I can again enjoy the day – another walk and perhaps I will even manage my first efforts to sunbathe.

One Comment

  1. Comment by Phyl Bromley:

    Hello Helen & Costas,

    Together again, perhaps I should break into song here haha. So lovely for you both to be together,
    and spending that precious time with each other. Although sad for you Helen to be leaving your Greek Family behind, but great that you spent that time with them once again. Sounds like you receive a tremendous welcome from them.

    Wow Bar Spetses sounds like the ‘in’ place to be, you obviously enjoy the lifestyle Helen. Weather sounds great too. What more could a girl ask for!!

    You know we seem to be getting our Summer now, even though its our Autumn. Wanganui clocking the highest temp some days. Amazing.

    Oh well enjoy your stay Helen, which I am sure that you will. Look forward to your updates.

    Take care

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