Back To Life on the Island

By Helen Grubner. Filed in Uncategorized  |  
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Night out in Rendezvous - Spetses

There are days when I never leave the house … it is quiet and peaceful here and I always find something to do.  Last Friday, the day after returning home from our trip away, we were invited to Raymond and Heather’s for lunch at 1300 hours, along with six other friends.  The weather was beginning to change, however, with jackets on it was just warm enough to sit outside in their garden for our meal.   A delicious ham cooked in coca cola, haggis, neeps and tatties (mashed swede and yellow turnip, mashed potatoes) and veges – followed by Portokalopita (Orange Pie) bought from the cake shop in Dimitsana and Plum Pudding.  Moved indoors for the afternoon and drank shot after shot of various cocktails mixed by Raymond, leaving at 1930 hours to make the short downhill walk home … their last guest Irish Mike not leaving until around midnight.  Yet another great day!   

By Saturday, the weather had turned cold … that evening lighting our first fire for the season.  Sunday was even colder and wet, however, we made the effort to go out for a few drinks at Balcony … there being just three other patrons in the Bar.  Thought we would move on to Mayo … alas, it was closed, but not Bodgi on the Square – ended our night there in the company of half a dozen Greek youths, listening to the usual extremely loud Greek music.   

Monday was a busy day, what with tables and chairs to be moved from the house and put in storage at Bar Spetsa, awaiting next year’s summer season, plus many other chores.  At 1900 hours we met Raymond and Heather at Clock Restaurant for an early supper … then a walk in the rain to Rendezvous, where we were joined by Irish Mike and Yiorgos for a few drinks.  Our last night out with Raymond and Heather for a while … Tuesday they left the island to make the ten day journey through Europe back to Aberdeen for the winter.  We will miss their company as we always have good times together and a lot of fun.   

Tuesday and Wednesday saw the weather taking a turn for the better … fine and warm once again for this time of the year and an opportunity to get outdoors.  I have made an excellent start on cleaning up Costas’ garden and on Wednesday, he had three tonnes of firewood (olive) delivered and stacked for the winter.  Needless to say, there will be plenty of wonderful fires to look forward to … one of the niceties of cold days and nights.  Most evenings when staying in, we have been lucky enough to find a good movie to watch … “Welcome to the Rileys” and “Remember Me” being two of them.  I am also thoroughly enjoying reading “Birds Without Wings” by Louis de Bernieres, author of Captain Corelli’s Mandolin … look for it in your local library.  

Today it is Friday … we have been out to lunch at Spetsiotiko – now back in the house with the fire lit.  Tomorrow we will catch the 1305 hours hydrofoil to the nearby island of Hydra for a 48 hour break.  Needless to say, we are both looking forward to our time away … just the two of us.

One Comment

  1. Comment by Phyl Bromley:

    Hi Helen & Costas
    Enjoy your couple of days away together, which I am sure you will. Good that you don’t have to open Bar Spetses for a few months. Nice for Costas to have that break.
    Enjoy those lovely cosy ‘fires’ so lucky, nothing like an open fire.
    Have fun

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