Happy Birthday To Me

By Helen Grubner. Filed in Uncategorized  |  
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Surprised Birthday Girl after blowing out the candles

Saturday, 5 November – My Birthday!  The day spent quietly at home … the evening was to be otherwise.  Late morning and Costas was off on foot to the Vets with two of the four cats – Larissa and Sydney in the cage, due for their annual shots.  When he returned for the other two, Oliver was nowhere to be found.  So, second trip with Bob alone then a third time with Oliver.

During our late afternoon siesta came a knock at the gate … the florist delivering a beautiful bouquet of flowers for me from Raymond and Heather.  What a lovely, lovely surprise!

By 1930 hours we were ready to walk to Nektarios’ Taverna in the Old Harbour … everyone else in our party travelling there by motorbike or scooter.  Eighteen of us in all … the Greek, the Antipodean and sixteen others from England, Wales, Ireland and Scotland.  A couple of drinks then coats on to go outside and watch the fireworks display – unbelievable!  Back inside to the warmth and a spread of wonderful, simple Greek fare was very soon to be on the table.

Around 2200 hours, Costas asked how to use my camera.  I had no idea what was going on.  Then, out from the kitchen came my Birthday Cake alight with candles … I was quite simply, blown away.  Everyone sang Happy Birthday to me, I blew the candles out in one breath, then we all devoured a piece, it was wonderful.

Next stop, Liotrivi nearby … Costas and I, Raymond and Heather, Penny, Anna and Marilyn.  Still the night was not over … Costas and I walked back to the area of Dapia to meet Raymond and Heather in our favourite watering hole – Balkoni Bar.  We would finally be home around 0300 hours … what a memorable birthday!

One Comment

  1. Comment by Phyl Bromley:

    Hi Helen

    Happy Birthday to you dear friend. Sounds like you had a lovely day of celebrating. Good on you. Only 29 once haha (Tui ad here haha) Glad it was a good one for you just the same.

    Busy busy busy here, will give you the details when you get home.

    Have fun and keep safe.


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