Our Life On Spetses

By Helen Grubner. Filed in Uncategorized  |  
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Helen and Costas - Closing Night Party - Bar Spetsa

Friday dawned with the kind of weather most would expect to find on a Greek island … mild, a light breeze, blue sky and plenty of sunshine.  A Public Holiday for “Ochi Day” which is celebrated every year in Greece on 28 October  to commemorate Greek Prime Minister Ioannes Metaxas’ rejection of the ultimatum made by Italian dictator Benito Mussolini on 28 October 1940.  I did not venture out, however, until 1400 hours, to meet Costas at Bouboulina Fish Restaurant for lunch.  Bar Spetsa closed at 0230 hours in the morning, we walked up a very quiet main street to the Square.  Wow, full of motorbikes and scooters belonging to the younger fraternity … all the riders packed into a very noisy, bustling Bodgi Music Bar where a hens party and a stag party were in progress.  We two oldies joined them for a couple of drinks, watching as they danced to full volume Greek music – my ears were ringing, however, it was a very enjoyable interlude.   

Saturday night saw the Closing Night Party for the season at Bar Spetsa … this year the theme being Christmas!  Raymond and Heather returned to Spetses last week from a brief stay in Scotland, bringing with them a suitcase full of goodies for the Party.  Christmas Mince Pies, Chocolate Santa’s, Sainsbury Nuts and Shortbread, along with an array of Christmas decorations and Christmas Crackers.  Even a Santa Suit for the owner/operator, however, it was left to hang on the wall.  Balloons had been ordered on the island … Bar Spetsa looked amazing!  The music more Rock and Roll than on other nights of the year and as is the custom, drinks were all on the house for regular patrons.  There were no problems at all … everyone having a wonderful time.  For us, home and happy at around 0445 hours.   

When Costas returned to the house Sunday night from Socrates Bar where he had gone to meet friends to watch his team Tottenham play on the tele, we were able for the first time ever to go out together for an evening meal … no Bar to open at 2000 hours, instead relaxation and quality time to spend together.  At the “Clock” Restaurant in the Square, we ordered and enjoyed a Chef’s Salad, two Chili Burgers and a half litre of white wine.  Then on to Roussos for a drink or two by the sea, a short distance down the road to Mayo for another one or two, then back home by midnight to watch a movie.   

Today, Monday, a couple of hours at the Bar sorting records and files … tonight will be spent quietly at home.  Another four weeks or so of this lifestyle … it is going to be hard leaving.

One Comment

  1. Comment by Phyl Bromley:

    “Enjoy” xx

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