Together Again

By Helen Grubner. Filed in Uncategorized  |  
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Three legged table outside Profitis Ilias - Spetses

Sunday – a quiet day and my last in Kastelli for this trip.  All packed and ready to catch the 1730 hours bus to Hania … fortunately, I telephoned my friend Antonia and learnt they were in Kastelli for the day so a ride home with them around 1800 hours.  As always, very sad farewells with the family … would I be coming back?  No, not this trip.

After speaking with Costas, an early night for me – up at 0630 hours yesterday to make ready for my departure to Athens and on to Spetses.  We had given some thought and discussion as to whether or not the hydrofoils would be running on Monday, what with the strikes here in Greece, however, the general concensus was that it would be okay and I gave it no more thought.  Antonia delivered me to the bus station around 0800 hours, arriving at the airport in Hania in good time for my 0935 hours Olympic Airways flight to Athens.  Seated in 4B between two businessmen dressed in suits, the flight was a pleasant one.  Read the airline magazine, served a large chocolate chip cookie with a drink and in no time, we touched down at Athens Airport.

A long wait for our luggage to come through then walked outside and purchased my ticket for the bus ride to the Port of Piraeus.  Then, Costas telephoned with the news … NO hydrofoils operating!  I should check to see if the trains were running to Corinth, which they were.  Arrived in Corinth around 1300 hours.  Took a taxi to the bus station.  Next bus to Kranidi not until 1720 hours.  Too late then for the last bus to Kosta on the mainland where I could take a water taxi to the island.  So, no alternative but to take a long taxi ride from Corinth to Kosta.  One and a half hours duration, however, along a very scenic mainly oceanside road.  I could pay by the clock or the driver would accept a flat rate of 100 Euro … I chose the latter.  Telephoned Costas when I saw a sign 14 kilometres from Kosta.  He came across from the island, arriving in Kosta within a minute of each other … wonderful to see him.  By 1530 hours we were both back home on Spetses.

Went out last night to Bar Spetsa … very quiet everywhere, the tourists have all but gone now that summer is over.  A few familiar faces in the bar and it did not feel like I had ever been away from here … now with five weeks ahead when I do not have to move on anywhere – what a great feeling.  I have had enough of travel and strikes for a while.  Today we went out for lunch at Spetsiotiko – a bowl of Fasolada (bean soup) each, followed by half a kilo of babounakia (small red mullet) – possibly my favourite fish.  A shared beer and the usual crusty bread – yummy!  This afternoon, tiredness consumed me and so I have stayed at home tonight.  Costas was to telephone me if our friends Raymond and Heather turned up at the bar and I would get ready and go down.  It is just past midnight, I have not heard from him so it looks like I will be stopping in with the four cats keeping me company.

Only another four nights then Bar Spetsa will close for the season.  From next week we can choose to eat out in the evening like normal people here, go for walks during the day or whatever.  Five weeks to enjoy a real holiday – it is going to be like heaven!

One Comment

  1. Comment by Phyl Bromley:

    Aha, ‘together again’ – love it. You two were meant for each other! Don’t forget Helen I have always wanted to be a matron of honour and always wanted to visit Greece haha!! Hint Hint here lol

    Drab horrible day here in Wangavegas, after having lovely warm weather it is freezing today. Heater on. Spring is always a bit temperamental weatherwise.

    Great jubilations for the All Blacks. Scraped in by the skin of their teeth. If the French hadn’t fluffed the last penalty we would have been in dire straights, that’s for sure.

    Enjoy the wind up of Bar Spetsa and the chance for you both to share some precious time together over the next 5 weeks.

    How is Costas Mum doing? Hope the carer is back in situ.

    Look forward to your postings Helen.
    Take care
    Love to you both

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