52 Hours Without Sleep

By Helen Grubner. Filed in Uncategorized  |  
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Helen and Vivienne

0530 hours 13 October 2011 NZ time … too late to worry further on issues concerning work, time to rise and make ready for yet another journey to Greece.  Johanna and Ewart in the Unit below me (I sold them the property recently … you could say I picked my new neighbours and what a great choice I made) together with family, will take care and keep watch of home whilst I am away.  Enjoyed a coffee at The Yellow House with mother, Dave and Kayla before heading out to Wanganui Airport … my dear sister Janet pulling up beside us, having just arrived from Taupo.  Next surprise … thick cloud would prevent our flight departure from Wanganui – the alternative being an hour’s bus ride to Palmerston North where we boarded our ”pencil” plane for the flight to Auckland.  The worst aspect of that particular part of my journey – a young girl sitting close by, sobbing hysterically the entire way, I cannot imagine what could have been so upsetting.

Arrival in Auckland an hour behind schedule but still plenty of time to once again meet with my long standing friend Vivienne to catch up and share a bottle of wine.  Farewelled and time to move on to board my Emirates flight on a B777-300ER – window seat, 2nd row in Economy, not bad!  Soon dinner would be served – I was rather hungry and so really enjoyed my meal.  After commencing our descent into Brisbane came the announcement “20 minute delay due to a thunderstorm in the area”.  Arrival 1830 hours local time, temperature 23 degrees C. 

12 hours after arriving at Wanganui Airport, we were still sitting on the tarmac at Brisbane Airport.  At last, take off for the long flight to Dubai some 12,000 kilometres away!  Yet another dinner to be served, snacks throughout the long night then breakfast and finally touchdown in Dubai where the temperature was 30 degrees C.  Approximately 6 hours later, departure from Dubai on the daily flight to Athens with interestingly, the passengers being predominently Asians.  Perhaps they are better off financially than the rest of the world in this time of global crisis.  Somehow it felt satisfying being able to identify some of the Greek islands as we flew over in mainly clear, blue skies – touchdown in Athens 1400 hours local time on Friday 14 October.  I was extremely happy to be back once again in Ellada.

More time to wait before making the final leg of my journey to Hania, Kriti.  Athens Airport appeared to be extra busy and so I allowed plenty of time to make my way slowly downstairs to pass through the security checks and on to departure Gate B31.  In Dubai, among other duty free goods, I had purchased a 200ml bottle of Paco Rabane for Costas.  I never gave it another thought until security pounced on it, applying the 100ml rule and telling me I could not keep it.  Still sealed and with receipt meant nothing … they seemed hell bent on taking it from me.  There was only one action for me to take – a race back upstairs to check in where I wrapped the package in my black coat, stuffed it into my carry on bag and checked it in, followed by a race back, again through security check and on to the departure Gate.

Feeling more exhausted by the minute, then came the announcement … due to an Air Traffic Controllers strike, our flight was delayed, finally arriving in Hania 2 hours late!  As things tend to unfold in Greece, it was not without surprise that I learnt the last bus into the Centre had already gone, no thought given to waiting for the late arrival of our flight.  Had to take a taxi instead at a cost of 23 Euro.  With my friend Antonia out babysitting, she had left me a key – a key and a large metal door which I knew had beaten me in the past and yes, you guessed right.  Fatigued to the max, I had no luck with opening the door, waiting until 2315 hours for Antonia to arrive home and let me in.

Finally, 52 hours after getting up in Wanganui, I had reached my destination – for now, anyway.   The trials and tribulations of travel!

One Comment

  1. Comment by Phyl Bromley:

    Hi Helen, gosh what a long drawn out trip you had to reach your destination. Sounds like you were never going to get off the ground! You must have been totally exhausted, I was, and I was only reading it haha. Never the less you are in Greece now and all will be well. How long are you away for?
    Take care

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