If Only Time Would Slow Down

By Helen Grubner. Filed in Uncategorized  |  
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Costas, Raymond, Heather and I - Sunday lunch, Liotrivi, Old Harbour

A year ago today, I first met Costas.  Who would have thought then, that I would be here now in this relationship?  Today, for the first time in many years, I cooked Fakes (pronounced fah-kes) brown lentil soup … a classic Greek dish, both economical and nutritious – it was yummy!

The days are slipping by rather too quickly now … on Saturday I will begin my journey back to New Zealand.  Most evenings I leave home for the Bar around 0100 hours then stay until closing around 0400 – 0500 hours.  Yesterday was an exception … we had a lunch date with Raymond and Heather at 1400 hours, the venue “Liotrivi” in the Old Harbour.  With no taxis waiting, we took a ride on a horse and cart – the afternoon weather was perfect.  Roland the Chef, as well as his work colleagues Peter and Dimitris, are all frequent visitors to Bar Spetsa … I had been told Roland’s food was simple and delicious – I was not disappointed.

We sat at an outside table, on a platform jutting out into the harbour – Heather and I in the glorious sunshine.  A fishing boat came in with a delivery of fresh tuna and swordfish for George, the restaurant owner.  With his Bar to open, Costas left early, leaving we three to stay on talking and drinking until around 2000 hours when we piled on to the bike, our last drinks in plastic cups in hand, for the ride to Bar Spetsa.  Most nights business there has been very good … last night I walked home around 0100 hours – tired but happy, it had been rather a long day.

Here at home, we mostly watch the BBC News channel and of course, last Friday along with billions of people all over the world, we were able to follow the pomp and pageantry of the Royal Wedding.  Today the news is all about the killing of Osama Bin Laden – in Costas’ words “Barack 1 – Osama 0”.

Once again, it is going to be difficult adjusting to life back in New Zealand but with a goal and an aim to be back in Greece come October, there will be plenty of incentive for me to work hard, enjoy my family and friends and cope with the impending winter.  Meanwhile, expect another blog or two before this journey is over.

One Comment

  1. Comment by Phyl Bromley:

    Hello again Helen,
    Lovely pic of you, Costas and your friends. And as usual one can see that you are enjoying yourself immensely.

    The Royal Wedding has been and gone. It was awesome, I watched it right till the end. They will make a lovely future King & Queen.

    There has been a dreadful tornado hit Auckland. 1 death apparently, I think it was a construction worker. While we here in Wanganui are enjoying the ‘almost’ back to summer weather conditions.

    We had a lovely pot luck tea at Evelynnes last Monday night. Everyone asked after you 🙂

    Guess you will be gearing up to come home. A sad occasion for you I am sure. You both look very happy together. 🙂
    However, not long till you will return again.
    Must away, take care and have a safe trip home.
    Catch up soon.

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