The Beauty of Spetses in Spring

By Helen Grubner. Filed in Uncategorized  |  
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Actually, the beauty exists here at any time of the year … it’s just that I particularly love the wild flowers of Spring as my images testify.  A couple of days’ ago I enjoyed an afternoon stroll to the Old Harbour – very few people or scooters to dodge during what is traditionally here, siesta time. 

Yesterday the weather was so glorious that in spite of having had a very late night out in Bar Spetsa – home around 0430 hours, I was determined to take a walk up in the mountains.  Left the house at 1500 hours, returning some two hours later.  At one point on my way up, as I emerged from a spot off the track, a Greek man stopped to ask me “Have you seen any snake?” “No and I’m not afraid” I replied.  “No, no” he said, “At this time of year, they are coming out to lie in the sun so be careful”.  I thanked him for his cautionary advice.  In fact, the only scary moment I had was as I walked along the ridge, suddenly I could hear dogs a little further on.  Reminded of the scare I had early one morning last year as I walked along a quiet road in Northern Greece and the humongous dog which confronted me there – I took an about turn and headed back to the fork in the road from where I had come.

Occasionally, as is the case tonight, I am staying at home for a quiet one.  The last two evenings business has been brisk in Bar Spetsa where I mostly find someone to keep company with.  Raymond and Heather arrived back on the island this week from Aberdeen and will stay here until well after the summer.  Alex from the New Forest in England is here with other family members for a couple of weeks’ stay – he has been visiting the island for 30 years … there is something very special about this place and people fall in love with it.

Costas closed the Bar last night at 0300 hours – we piled on to Panayiotis scooter, heading for the Old Harbour and the Music Club “La Lus” for a couple of drinks and to listen to live Greek music.  With dozens of scooters parked outside, inside the place was positively pumping – the music incredibly loud but very good, encouraging a few to get up and dance, including a young exhibitionist woman wearing a well fitting dress and stilettos … many of the customers also customers of Bar Spetsa.  Around 0500 hours, Panayiotis delivered us back home, taking great care along the way to look out for other wayward scooter riders.

The food – glorious Greek food – as always I am loving it!  As well as the usual fresh crusty bread Costas brings home from the bakery daily, he has taken to buying Bougatsa, a breakfast pastry consisting of custard or cheese filling between layers of phyllo pastry – yummy!  Today we had lunch out at Bouboulina Restaurant next to the fish market.  Fava (a creamy dip made from yellow split peas, sprinkled with olive oil and lemon juice, garnished with red onion and parsley), Calamari (squid), Kolokithakia (long strips of zucchini dipped in a light batter and deep fried) and of course, the usual Psomi (bread) and a shared bottle of Amstel beer.

On Tuesday morning my Canadian writer friend Anna will be arriving in Athens and moving on to the nearby island of Hydra for a few days stay – I am looking forward to catching up with her some time during the coming week.  On Thursday, Costas and I will have lunch out at The Poseidonion with Raymond and Heather.  My stay here continues to be enjoyable, relaxing and all positive.

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