My Last Week In Greece – for now!

By Helen Grubner. Filed in Uncategorized  |  
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Costas "The Greek" - Spetses

It is the eve of my departure from Greece – for now!  What an incredibly amazing 6 months’ journey it has been … the icing on the cake being Costas, the most non-Greek Greek I think I have ever met.  Tomorrow I will be very sad to leave him and the island … where to from here?  We will just have to wait and see. 

The past week back on Spetses has more than exceeded my expectations – the only thing to let me down has been the weather, very cold the first few days, however, warmer since Tuesday but humid with cloudy skies, very little sun and frequent rain.  Sadly, the suntan is fading but thankfully, the memories will stay with me forever. 

Nights in Bar Spetsa with Costas and friends – drinkies later in Spiros’ bar, sometimes on our own, other nights with Raymond and Heather and Steve.  Eating out and delicious meals at home cooked by Costas – from a full English breakfast to thick vegetable soup … oh so yummy!  Not to forget the four cats – Bob, Oliver, Sydney and Larissa, I will miss them all.  Last Saturday I arrived home to an open fire burning, Van Morrison Live on the television, a glass of wine and lunch all ready.  Costas also lit the fire another day, not because it was cold, however, but because of dampness due to the humidity, such is life on a Greek island.

With my packing all but completed and just over 17 hours until I must catch the hydrofoil, I am looking forward to my last night in Bar Spetsa – for now.  This is my 100th blog … together with 1292 images uploaded – unbelievable!  I trust you all have enjoyed sharing my journey with me – I have certainly loved every minute, writing about the places I have been and all the people I have met along the way.    

From the time of leaving Spetses tomorrow, I estimate I have over 40 hours of travelling until I reach my home in the city of Wanganui.  How wonderful it is going to be seeing my family and friends again after such a long time away.  My mind is full of thoughts, scrambled thoughts, as much as I can think and talk about the reality of what lies ahead, nothing seems real.  I have lived my dream and know I wish to return here – sooner rather than later.

As my journey has not yet finished, you can all look forward to at least one more blog after I have safely returned to New Zealand.

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