Shopping and relaxing in Hania

By Helen Grubner. Filed in Uncategorized  |  
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Inside the Agora (Market) Building, Hania, Crete

Left the house this morning to walk the 20 minutes or so to the Internet Cafe – 26 degrees C, however, overcast and a few raindrops falling but I doubt it will come to anything.  My only regret being it is my last day today in Hania and there will be no beach.  However, it would be unfair of me to complain as up until today, the weather on Crete has been glorious, unlike much of Greece where elsewhere they are experiencing rain and cooler temperatures. 

On Monday it was very difficult for me to leave Kastelli and the family – although I was ready in time to catch the 1030 hours bus, I stayed on for lunch with Anna and Katina, finally leaving at 1400 hours.  With a few tears we said our farewells (I hate the word ‘goodbye’ – it is too final) and I know I will be back, probably sooner rather than later. 

I have known my friends Antonia and Vassilis for close to 30 years – we first met in Melbourne in the early 1980’s.  Their son Bill married a couple of years’ ago … their big news announcement, Bill’s wife Rena is 4 months’ pregnant with twins, a boy and a girl expected sometime in March!  On Tuesday, Bill and Rena came for lunch with Antonia, Vassilis and I, otherwise I have not caught up with anyone.  Seriously shopping in the mornings and evenings, meeting Antonia at the beach late morning (although not today) from where I visit the Internet Cafe then walk back to the house for lunch around 1500 – 1530 hours.  Yesterday at that time it was 30 degrees C.  After lunch it is time for siesta then around 1800 hours Antonia makes our Cappuccino’s.  In the evenings we read or watch TV – including two very good sub-titled Turkish serials.  

I have to say overall shopping has been fun – in the Agora where you can eat if you want or buy just about anything from souvenirs to local products, clothes, food and more.  Costas had bought me a coffee table book of Spetses and I wanted to find one for Crete.  Searched the bookstores until I found the one and only copy of a bilingual (Greek/English) photographic album about the island of Crete, it’s beauties and it’s people.  It is exactly what I wanted and I will treasure it always. 

Six months’ ago, Crete was my favourite place in Greece and still is – this island has an atmosphere, a heart, a pulse, a feeling and an essence like no other place I know.  If in the future I am to continue to live alone, then let it be here on Crete.  Tonight, however, I will leave Hania at 2300 hours aboard the Blue Star ferry, arriving in Piraeus at 0615 hours tomorrow morning.  From Piraeus the 0800 hours hydrofoil will take me safely back to Spetses in 2 hours 10 minutes – back to spend my last week in Greece with Costas.  I like to think there is a possibility that one day Spetses could also be my home … one precious week remaining for now, after which I will be guided by time.

One Comment

  1. Comment by Reinhard:

    Hey Helen,
    good to hear that your time in Kasteli was enjoyful and relaxing.
    Only two more day for us until we leave for our second patritha.
    I’m not shure if I’ll meet Jill and Rick and I’m sorry that I will miss you.
    You wrote about a german couple from Cologne, Heinz-Peter and Ulrike, living at Loussakies.
    I don’t think that I have met them yet, so would you be so kind to send me their e-mail so could get in touch?
    Thank you again for your traveldiary and I shurely will buy the book once it’s published!!

    Love, Reinhard

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