Spetses – I Am In Paradise!

By Helen Grubner. Filed in Uncategorized  |  
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Spetses (See the Page "More Photos II" for more images - photos 1 - 20)

When I arrived in Athens back in April, at that time, I felt I had a home in Greece on the island of Crete and I still do believe that, however, I now also feel I have a home here on the island of Spetses.  Having realised my dream of travelling extensively throughout this wonderful country and with just 4 weeks’ remaining until I must leave for home, I am content and happy to be here on Spetses with Costas, knowing that I will have many magical memories of precious moments to take with me when I leave.

When I returned to Spetses 9 days’ ago, my intention was to stay here for a week, then return to Crete to see the family and my friends there, allowing myself a couple of weeks at the end to visit two or three of the Cycladic islands.  However, I am not yet ready to move on and will be staying another week, i.e. until next Friday.  That day I will leave for Piraeus, the port of Athens and take the overnight ferry to Hania in Crete, stay on Crete for 2 weeks, then back to Spetses for my final week in Greece – for now!

Summer has left and Autumn has arrived.  The days are filled with glorious sunshine and time spent at the beach is quite heavenly – the water is warm, salty and so buoyant, I do not think you could drown in it even if you wanted to.  The intense heat of the summer sun has gone making sunbathing a lot more comfortable and pleasurable.  In the evenings I wander on down to Bar Spetsa, often staying until closing and then Costas and I go out somewhere together for a quiet drink – I am in heaven!  Costas sometimes cooks but we often eat out too – English breakfast, pizza, traditional Greek, there are many very good restaurants and cafes.  One day I decided his garden was badly in need of some attention – embarked on a labour of love, clearing weeds and so on – now you are able to see the beautiful stoned courtyard showing the date 1895 – the year the original part of the house was built.  Back then it was probably a storehouse and the other rooms have been added on since.

I still hold firm my dream to one day retire to Greece.  If I am on my own when that time comes, then I believe Crete is still the most likely place that I would settle.  I do not believe Costas would ever leave Spetses and if we were to be together, I would equally be quite happy to settle here, however, I must leave time to take care of all.

Today on my walk down to the beach (the same route I take to go to Bar Spetsa at night) I decided to take photographs along the way so that you all can visualise Spetses – the Paradise I have found!  (Refer to the Page “More Photos II” images marked photos 1 – 20).

One Comment

  1. Comment by Phyl Bromley:

    Hi Helen, glad to see you are enjoying Spetses, you seem to have found your ‘niche’ in Greece.
    Sounds like a lovely place.
    Loved the photos, thanks for sharing them.

    Dreadful weather here in NZ, the bad weather hit Wellington yesterday and hit us late yesterday afternoon. Winds and rain, thunder and lightning. Airport from Auck to Wangavegas not functioning at the moment. My daughter is waiting for her husband to get back from his conference. But sadly no flights. The next door neighbours tv aerial is hanging by a thread. But I have to say its little to put up with when one considers what ch ch has been through of late. Still having aftershocks down there.

    Well not long now till your awesome adventure comes to a close Helen. I am sure you will be sad to leave Costas! But what will be, will be. I am sure if it was meant to be then that’s how it will turn out for you.

    Take care and enjoy your final weeks on the beautiful greek islands.
    Phyl 🙂

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