Rain and Thunder welcome to Armata celebrations – Spetses

By Helen Grubner. Filed in Uncategorized  |  
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Fireworks display - "Armata" celebrations - Spetses

In Spetses town this weekend, all accomodation is fully booked and the Old Harbour is filled with boats, as visitors come to the island for the “Armata” festival.  Each year, the Saturday closest to 8 September is dedicated to celebrating the events of the Naval Battle of Spetses which took place on 8 September 1822, culminating with the historical re-enactment of the torching and sinking of the Turkish flagship in the harbour.  Normally a famous Greek singer will perform live and at 2200 hours there is a massive fireworks display by the harbour.  This year, the course of events was very much dictated to by the weather.

I awoke yesterday at 1015 hours to the sound of rain on the roof – heavy rain and then thunder.  By mid afternoon when we ventured out for lunch,  it appeared that the weather may have cleared enough for everything to take place according to the programme.  Unfortunately, that was not to be.  Around 2000 hours the skies opened – a huge deluge leaving the streets running torrents of water and there was some doubt as to whether or not the fireworks display would go ahead.  When I arrived at Bar Spetsa, the few early patrons were sitting on chairs and stools in a pool of water, outside the Bar the street was flooded and Costas was doing his best to sweep away the water – not a good beginning to the evening!  However, as people were still making their way down to the harbour, the powers that be obviously saw a window of opportunity and began the show of fireworks early and what a spectacular show it was.  Although many people were soaked to the bone, it seemed nothing was going to stop them from having a good time and I would guess the revellery continued on until daybreak.   Apparently last year conditions were not a great deal better.

So, apart from the events of last evening, I am just enjoying the precious days I have to spend here with Costas, every night a few hours in Bar Spetsa, dining out and going to the beach whenever possible.  A more private time on this amazing and wonderful journey – living my dream.

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