Ferry journey from Skopelos and first day on Skyros

By Helen Grubner. Filed in Uncategorized  |  
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Looking down on the cubed, flat roofed houses of Skyros

Monday afternoon on Skopelos, the weather improved enough to allow me a final afternoon of relaxation and sun by the pool, the venue for that evening’s dinner.  A good turnout of some 18 or so, including French, German, American, Danish and of course, a Kiwi!  A delicious meal of barbecued meats and souvlaki, salads, toasted bread with a little olive oil and garlic, all washed down with either beer or wine.  After dinner there was an opportunity for those who wanted to learn a little Greek dancing.  Once again Sophie showed us all what a wonderful and generous person she is.

After spending six nights on Skopelos, yesterday came my time to leave and Sophie drove me to the port to catch the ferry boat “Achilleas” at 1345 hours, bound for the island of Skyros, via Alonissos and Kymi, Evia.  A pleasant 6 1/2 hour journey on a slow ferry, much like it always used to be in the old days.  A good number of passengers, however, not overcrowded and a beautiful, in fact, perfect day for sitting out on the deck.  A number of dogs also of various breeds, most of whom thought the territory should be theirs, and theirs alone, making their point known by barking whenever another canine creature came anywhere near them.  Not to be forgotten, also one or two cats in cages, letting the whole world know of their plight and a couple of caged birds too.

Shortly before our 2010 hours scheduled arrival on Skyros, a beautiful sunset.  Although partly obscured behind clouds, the perfect ending to our ferry boat ride.  We arrived at the port of Linaria where a bus meets the ferry to take people to the capital Chora, some 10-12 kilometres away.  I asked to be dropped off opposite the petrol station, 600 metres before the town, where Janet, who is English and Dimitris from Atherinis Apartments www.simplelifeskyros.com were awaiting me.  Immediately I knew that yet again I had arrived at a place which was where I was meant to be and that Anna too would feel she belongs here.  Literally dumped my belongings in our accommodation and went down to the courtyard for a wine (their own) with my new hosts.

Janet and Dimitris describe Atherinis as a peaceful oasis on a beautiful unspoilt island, where they create an atmosphere that is friendly, relaxed, informal and fun.  Situated 800 metres from the beach, the house and apartments are set in lovely grounds amid grapevines, olive and fig trees.  Janet was introduced to Reiki on the island of Skyros in 1990 and the lifestyle, values and upheld traditions of the people here inspired her to change her life and reiki helped her to achieve it.  She feels passionate about Skyros and reiki and loves to share both with others by facilitating classes.  On my first night here, there was much to talk about and share – I guess it was around three hours later when I returned to the apartment to unpack and sleep.

Unsure of what time Anna would arrive today, I had first to make a trip to the supermarket for provisions and then I was free to take a walk up to Chora.  Wandering through the cobbled paths and alleyways, lined with cubed, flat roofed houses, reminiscent of a Cycladic island and with so many small chapels, unintentionally, I found myself outside the doors to the Byzantine Monastery of Agios Georgios up on the Kastro.  I had read that the Monastery was fully operational until  it was seriously damaged in a 2001 earthquake, then subsequently closed.  Since that time a part of it has been restored and one monk resides there, however, only opening the doors for limited hours.  I photographed the marble lion inset in the stone wall – hopefully I will get to go back there with Anna.

From the far side of the town there are views up and down the coastline and to the long, sandy beaches of Molos and Magazia below, where most of the tourists are accommodated.  Early evening and I’m once again in the courtyard.  Certain that Anna will feel the same way as I do about Atherinis, I impatiently await her arrival.

One Comment

  1. Comment by Phyl Bromley:

    Hi Helen, good to catch up with you and your travels again. Skyros looks very appealing.

    Massive earthquake here in nz centered in Christchurch, a state of emergency has been declared. 7.1 magnitude 10ks deep. Has been felt 30ks west of ch ch. Damage to buildings is severe and many have toppled, particularly the older ones in the CBD. Chch airport is closed. Minor looting in the early hours of this morning. After shocks continue to rock Canterbury. More and more reports of damage coming in. Structural damage to hospital. Ch Ch cathedral has some damage. Apparently it was felt as far north as New Plymouth. But can’t say I felt anything here in Wanganui. Great tv coverage all morning, think from memory it happened just after 4am this morning. Gosh it could happen to us just as easily. We had quite a large shake a week or so back. So tragic for Christchurch people. Some of the pics coming in are awful with huge cracks in roading, bridges down etc. Cars crushed. A significant evacuation from CBD is expected this avo.

    Other than that, it is a beautiful day here in Wangavegas weather wise. Nice to see the sun.

    We had our ‘pot luck’ tea at Evelynnes last Monday night. and it was very enjoyable. Barbara also attended. Quite a few changes once again to ‘the firm’ staff wise.

    I had a lovely meal out last night with a friend and some of the nurses from the hospital. A good night of catching up. Girls night outs are always so much fun 🙂

    Oh well must away and enjoy this beautiful day.
    Take care my friend.
    Phyl x

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