My Time on Skopelos

By Helen Grubner. Filed in Uncategorized  |  
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The Swimming Pool - Sophie's place, Skopelos

As was anticipated, in the early afternoon of Saturday, I moved from my apartment (the largest in the complex) to my studio (the smallest in the complex) – very cosy and still with sea views, plus mountain views behind.  After lunch – self catering has become the normal and accepted form of eating and drinking for me these last few days – I made my way up the path, by the olive trees, passed the tennis court, to the swimming pool, 150 metres away.  Since Sophie lost Takis, her husband, suddenly 4 years’ ago, the busy restaurant by the pool has been closed.  The setting is really peaceful and tonight Sophie will grill some meats and put on a dinner there for some of her guests. 

Yesterday I decided to take the local bus and go check out Glossa, a town 30 kilometres north where the traditional style homes cascade down a hillside.  The journey there and back first takes you south to Stafilos and then heads north through pine forests and by many beautiful beaches on the west coast – an opportunity to see a lot more of the island.  It was in Glossa that I observed an old wooden balcony with it’s original toilet or “out-house” at one end (see More Photos II). 

Once exploring Glossa was over, I began my walk down to the tranquil fishing port of Loutraki 2 kilometres below, a hot walk beginning by taking the main road and finishing along an old path.  A picturesque little settlement offering accommodation, cafes and tavernas and a pleasant beach adjacent to the port.  Across the water the island of Skiathos can easily be seen and ferries call in to Loutraki port en route to Skopelos town.  The sea looked very inviting, however, with limited time until the next bus departure to Skopelos and not wishing to wait another two hours for the next one, I missed out on a swim.  In any case, the sun had left me feeling not so well and heading back was the best option. 

In the evening, as it so happened, Sophie was driving to Glisteri beach for a swim and asked me to join her.  I went along for the ride and to keep Sophie company and after her swim, she suggested we visit the taverna there for a drink.  We ordered two beers and a special Skopelos Cheese Pie – made with filo pastry and stuffed only with Skopelos feta cheese, it is rolled then curled into a circular shape and deep fried in olive oil – crispy and delicious!  The night was warm and without a breath of wind and it was very easy to sit there, relaxed and talking, for at least a couple of hours.  

Sometime during the early hours of this morning, the weather changed as it was forecast to do.  I awoke to window shutters banging and today so far, it is mostly cloudy skies and a slightly choppy sea.  Hopefully the weather will not put a dampener on our dinner tonight by the pool.

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