The Road to Monodendri – Zagorohoria

By Helen Grubner. Filed in Uncategorized  |  
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My King Size 4 Poster Bed at "Archontiko Zarkada", Monodendri


I was initially thrown by the news last evening of no bus to Monodendri until Friday, however, in true Helen style, this determined traveller wanted to come here today and so I found a way.  The information I was given last night stated I could catch a bus this morning at 0630 hours to Karies, then make auto stop (hitch hike) the 20 or so kilometres from there – Monodendri being approximately 40 kilometres from Ioannina.   

Packed ready everything I could before retiring to bed, then up at 0500 hours this morning and on my way by 0530 hours as I wanted to be sure of making it to the Bus Station in time.  In the cool morning air and darkness, it only took me 20 minutes to walk there with my pack which did not mean time on my side.  Wouldn’t you know it, in true Greek fashion, I was then told the bus departure time was at 0600 hours, not half an hour later!  I requested the driver to tell me when we had arrived at Karies as I was not familiar with the village.  There the bus stopped, the driver got out to open the luggage compartment for me and when I enquired as to the road I should take, he said I had been incorrectly informed, that in fact, I should have been on another bus which would take me to within 10 kilometres of Monodendri.  I then waited whilst he made a telephone call to the other driver and was subsequently told to wait right there and eventually another bus would come along and pick me up.    

It was not long and the second bus arrived.  When eventually it left me on the roadside, I began what I thought could be a very long walk.  Not a problem early in the morning as the air was cool and the sun had not yet risen, however, I did wonder how I would make the 10 kilometre distance should I be so unlucky as to have no one pick me up.  The first car to come along went straight on by, the second flew passed whilst I was otherwise occupied in the bushes.  My luck was in when the third car came along and much to my relief it stopped.  They were two young Greek guys and with a baby car seat and soft toys in the vehicle, I felt I was pretty safe.  They kindly took me as far as the village of Vitsa, at an altitude of 955 metres on a mountain slope near the Vikos Gorge.  From there I walked the final 2-3 kilometres to Monodendri.   

From what I have seen so far, the scenery is breathtakingly beautiful and I just love so much all the wild flowers that grow along the roadsides.  The only scary minutes were when I was met on the road by a humongous dog, snarling and gnashing it’s teeth, I was terrified but could only keep my head down and carry on walking and pray.  As it turned out, he was one of four dogs on the loose, their apparent owner nearby only concerned with his herd of cows he had grazing.   

Checked into my room on the ground floor at the Guest House “Archontiko Zarkada” – for those who are interested, the website then click on the English version, will give you all the lowdown on this establishment.  I have to say, it is very good value.  The owner gave me the okay to have breakfast here this morning – it is included in the room rate, however, normally you only get breakfast after you have stayed the night.  What an exceptional breakfast it was and I felt I had more than earned it.  Pastries savoury and sweet, wholemeal bread, cheese, ham, hard boiled eggs, cereal, yogurt and honey, preserves, cake, loukoumi (Greek turkish delight), fresh fruit, juice, tea and coffee and more – it has kept me going all day.    

After breakfast I remembered to ask whether or not I needed a Password for the WiFi Internet which then led to a room change to the top floor as apparently, there is no connection downstairs.  Wait for it, this is luxury – a king size 4 poster bed, fireplace, TV, refrigerator, enclosed shower box (very rare in Greece) and a balcony with mountain views.   

I have yet to begin exploring the area although I have plenty of time, intending to stay for up to 10 days.  This afternoon around 1600 hours, we had serious rain and the thunder claps were louder than ever I have heard.  I have put on a jacket and feel I will have to dig deep into my pack for clothes not worn since the early days of my adventure.  Tomorrow I should be ready to go check out all that awaits me.

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