To the Volcano, Nikia and return

By Helen Grubner. Filed in Uncategorized  |  
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Helen in the Crater, Island of Nisyros

Began my day by visiting Michelle at Enetikon Travel to purchase a one way ticket on a tourist bus to the Volcano.  At 1040 hours we were on our way, travelling first along the coast towards Palli then up the winding, twisting road in the mountains and down into the caldera.  For all you kiwis following my journey or anyone else who has visited the thermal areas of New Zealand, you will well know the smell of sulphur in the air as it was today – I could easily have been in rotten old Rotorua! 

The caldera itself is 3-4 kilometres wide.  Although the volcano is active, it is not erupting – the last eruptions were in the 1880’s.  Stefanos, the biggest hydrothermic crater on earth is, obviously, the largest crater of the volcano and you can walk down into it – an amazing place!  The entire volcanic complex includes the seafloor between Nisyros and Kos, the island of Gyali and a part of Kos island. 

Left all the tourists in my wake as this intrepid traveller planned to walk from the volcano to the mountain village of Nikia.  Sought directions from a local in the volcano cafe – there were two options.  A path going directly up the mountainside from the caldera to the village without much in the way of views, the shorter route, or along the road on the other side of Stefanos until I came to a path on the left which would take me up over the ridge of the mountain with superb views of the volcano and out to sea – chose this way. 

Like yesterday, stripped down to bikini top and shorts – very hot in the midday sun, however, thankfully a very fresh breeze.  No trouble finding the path on the left which varied from carefully laid stones to a dusty track and yes, quite spectacular views in every direction.  It was only when I was nearing the village and hearing the chorus of cicadas as if welcoming me, that three other walkers, Germans I believe, passed me.  They had walked all the way from Mandraki and were planning to walk all the way back.  Not me, I would catch the 1430 hours bus from Nikia – what is more, it was free! 

One hour and twenty minutes after leaving the volcano cafe I reached the village of Nikia, a very quiet and peaceful place.  Having had only fruit and a frappe before leaving Mandraki this morning, I was hungry and ready for lunch.  Found the one and only Taverna in the village, ordered a well earned cold Amstel beer, katsikaki me patates (goat meat with potatoes) and delicious toasted bread, drizzled with oil and oregano, the latter ideal for soaking up all the yummy sauce and juices of the meal.  Replete, I walked a little more around the village until the bus arrived which delivered me back to Mandraki, tired and weary, however, feeling very satisfied with my day.  A short walk back to Hotel Romantzo for a well earned siesta. 

The walk through the Samaria Gorge on Crete was extraordinary, however, my walk today from the volcano of Nisyros to the mountain village of Nikia came close to equalling it – I wonder what I can do tomorrow that will be just as good.  Be sure to view the photographs – a selection from the 50 images I have taken today.

One Comment

  1. Comment by Phyl Bromley:

    Good evening Helen (thurs 9.40pm)

    Many thanks for your great updates and photos. Talk about these feet were made for walking. Wow you must have travelled miles on foot.

    You see you didn’t have to go all the way to Greece to get the ‘sulphur’ aroma, you could have just hopped in the car and gone to Rotorua. But hey you will have seen far more than what our Rotorua has to offer haha.

    Nice day here today, temp 16 degrees. Not bad for this time of the year.

    Heading out to lunch tomorrow with some friends. Going to the new Cafe at the Springvale Garden centre. It is very nice and appears to be quite popular as all new places are initially. I don’t think the garden centre itself is as good as the other one. Not quite the same range in plants, but hey its winter and not a lot around at the moment. So perhaps thats the reason!

    We had another lovely evening up at Evelynnes last Monday, as you know she is the perfect hostess. Evelynne seems to be keeping an eye out for your nz family here, which is nice.
    We had 6 for the meal. 2 others came but were unable to stay for tea.

    Well the All Whites are playing Paraquay at 2am in the morning, as much as I am interested in it, I certainly won’t be getting back out of my bed to watch it. I am sure, that it will be repeated tomorrow. GO THE ALL WHITES!!

    Oh well its my bedtime now.
    Take care Helen
    Phyl 🙂

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